Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Joepedophile 2020

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

'It's sick': Biden blasts Trump Jr.'s pedophilia 'joke'

So the CIA Yahoo has a town hall, and Joe Biden, finally becomes alert enough to respond to the Donald Trump jr. bearding the lion.  Don jr. has been poking Biden with a stick and the stupid old man responded to it, instead of leaving it in the right wing memes.

Joe Biden on Tuesday for the first time addressed an insinuation by Donald Trump Jr., in the guise of a joke, that he was an abuser of children.
“It’s sick,” Biden said during a Yahoo News virtual town hall. “It’s sick. But he is his father’s son.”
Over the weekend, Donald Trump Jr. posted and reposted memes on his social media channels portraying the presumptive Democratic president nominee as a pedophile.
The “Creepy Joe” meme had been circulating on right-wing forums and online among President Trump's supporters. Accusations that prominent Democrats, including Hillary Clinton, were involved in an international child-smuggling and pedophilia ring date back to the 2016 presidential election and inspired a notorious attack in a Washington pizzeria where the fictitious ring was headquartered.
Trump Jr. insisted he was joking in the post, which consisted in part of an alligator saying to Biden “In a while, pedophile.”
“What he’s trying to do is get something going on the Internet. Just try to get it going,” Biden said. "Say it enough like his father says. If you say it enough people believe it.”
Asked how his campaign would combat such tactics in the upcoming election, the former vice president said he had no plans to do so.
“No, I don't want to get down in the mud with these guys,” Biden said. “I mean, look, people know who I am. The good news is the bad news. They know me. They know my faults, talents. They know me. So it’s hard to lay on me some of the things that are just out of sync with anything in my whole life that anyone has ever said in their life. But this is bizarre.”

So Biden says it is SICK, linking that to his name, and his defense is that "people know" that he sniffs kids, fondles kids, grabs kids, and is a pervert.

I know the Biden campaign just groaned and said a number of 4 letter words, while the Hillary Clinton and Obama campaigns in stealth are whipping out the Cheetos and putting Obama stains on their genitals in delight.

Joe Biden just welded his name to the term JOEDEPHILE, the pedophile denier, whose defense is, "You know you can't trust me around children, so trust my senile brain around nukes, because I will forget I launched one at Russia, the same way I forgot a raped a staff member in the Senate hallway".

The President owes Don jr, a hunt, like send him to the national zoo to blast a tiger, as that large breasted older woman he is sexing would look good stretched out on one.

Probably the biggest thing Don jr. has ever bagged in Joe Biden the pedophile. Only bad part is Trumpcrew is going to have this mush brain Biden so beat up before the convention that democrats will take it from him.


Don made Biden a "later gater......

Nuff Said

