Thursday, May 7, 2020

Death Not By Coronavirus

I've got a CIA cyanide pill if you want to take the man's way out Jimmy.

BizPac Review

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

There is something of significance which has been circulating, beyond the fakery of the GOP always, "going to get Obama" and it details the shift in the Trump group to gaining power. The core group in this now centers around William Barr as Attorney General, US Attorney John Durham and his fine investigative team, and Richard Grenell of fag intelligence.

What this involves is Obama left his holdovers to create scandals, based on fake intelligence, in order to "gain control over Donald Trump. The leader of this group was Director John Brennan, who was illegally running a security operation inside the United States, which the CIA is forbidden to do.

The CIA staff was not part of the operation, so Brennan was running FBI agent, which James Comey the Director there signing off on this illegal operation, which centered on Peter Strzok being appointed to counter intelligence, to hide what took place in Benghazi, and to create Crossfire Hurricane.
Strzok had brainwashed the willing Lisa Page, who was rewriting transcripts in Michael Flynn interviews, in order to push the courts further in this, to "legalize" the coup.

The key components in this were

Coordinator John Brennan of CIA, running this operation for Susan Rice of NSA for Obama

James Comey at FBI, fronting for Brennan.

Andrew McCabe

Bill Preistap

Peter Strzok

Lisa Page

These were the primary conduits of this framing of Michael Flynn.

Michael Flynn was railroaded by James Comey's FBI   washexam

Grenell warns Schiff: Release House Intel transcripts now   hotair

The reason that Richard Grenell is threatening coup plotter Adam Schiff of Brennan's fellow travelers is the House Intel Report contains something which Schiff has been suppressing. There has been a great deal of lying going on in this from the FBI, and that includes the current Director Christopher Wray, who sat on evidence that the FBI framed Michael Flynn and others. Wray actually liked to Senator Charles Grassley in telling him there was no such transcript or file. These are serious and high crimes which this group has been engaged in, including the cover up.

The report though is key, as it was what is in the report which blows the lid off of 2016 and beyond. What John Durham has discovered with his investigators is that John Brennan was the arbitrator of information which was being dispensed to the Courts and the Congress.
James Comey noted in testimony that he had spoken to Brennan about the infamous Pissgate Dossier, and was not inclined one way or the other to include the fake document, but thought it should be included not as evidenced against Trump, but to show what the Russians had been spreading, a document which was given to the FBI by traitor John McCain.
Of course, Comey was including the document to damage Donald Trump, as Comey is a messianic complex prick, but the shift in this then goes to John Brennan, who was assembling the report which would be produced. Brennan is the source for the inclusion of the fake file.

What is in the House testimony though, which was turned over by Republicans to an Obama stooge who is Inspector General of the CIA, and has been sitting on these documents for over a year, is the revelation, that John Brennan sanitized the report he assembled.
You may ask "Sanitized for Trump"? No it was not Trump who Brennan was sanitizing for, but it was the Russians he was raging over, because the intelligence which was being discovered was Vladimir Putin favored a presidential candidate, and that candidate was Hillary Clinton. Vladimir Putin was in 2016 attempting to help Hillary Clinton to become president.

Does it make a bit more sense why Birther Hussein Obama, the flexible one, when made aware of Russian interference, sat back and did absolutely nothing? Yes, the reason was Obama did not want to rock the boat and expose that the Russians were helping democrats to win the White House. That is why Obama suppressed and did not move on the intelligence, and why after Donald Trump won, that image Obama and his conspirators with the Kremlin, went into COVER YOUR ASS, as they began manufacturing evidence and creating Michael Flynn as the scapegoat to cover up that Moscow did have a candidate in the race, and it was Hillary Hamrod Clinton.

In review of this, when the President speaks of Dirty Cops, he is absolutely correct. John Brennan produced a KGB file to frame Donald Trump and others. As he was heading the operation illegally, it was James Comey moving around trying to fix things and making a disaster, as Attorney General Loretta Lynch was making deals in the Obama compartmentalization with Hillary Clinton to suppress evidence.
Andrew McCabe was taking bribes from Hillary Clinton for his wife's campaign, and Peter Strzok was assembling the planted data by MI6 which John Brennan had a hand in, to be discovered, and Lisa Page was producing leaked news stories to push the operation and editing transcripts of Michael Flynn interviews.

There actually is smoke with this fire, because the President, this time around, actually has operatives who are pushing at the conspirators, and US Attorney John Durham is running not a review, but a criminal investigation, which will hand down indictments, not recommendations as Robert Mueller's group did.

There are problems in this as AG Barr defends Christopher Wray in the cover up, which is a problem in erosion of trust in Barr. John Durham has to produce the indictments and not just a report. Failure to do so, is the same dirty cops being protected by more dirty cops, working for Bush fam or the Obama Clinton mafia.

There are though major crimes in this, in the 20 years to life, as the stuff this touches on is treason and conspiracy, which bring the death penalty.

That though is what is taking place in all the corona diversion. It might be fun to have a mob trial with Donald Trump presiding with hangings on the White House lawn, a pardon of course for the virginal Lisa Page as she was having menstrual issues and women can't be held accountable for being on the rag.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
