Thursday, May 7, 2020

Coronavirus in Semen

That's what you get Pong Dong with Coronavirus in the nutsack, 11cc's


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry is just posting this as a confirmation of what this blog revealed in exclusive matter anti matter, that the biological weapon, Coronavirus Wuhan is in human semen, and will transmit and infect to queers or women, just as any sexual disease will, because it is a SEXUAL DISEASE, as it has HIV spliced into it.

This blog told you that is why the Mexican women in Sioux Falls South Dakota were contracting Coronavirus from Pepe, because Pepe was fucking them.

All of this completely makes an absolute fool out of Ann Coulter in her latest screed mocking Conservatives with her magic bat theory, as she attacked Mike Pompeo and Tom Cotton for stating this virus definitely came from a Chinese Wuhan lab.

Coulter though is deep state Mockingbird funded from the CIA, and is why she was pressing the Queer Republican and has been busy creating an asstard official narrative that China had nothing to do with this Wuhan virus, and all of you are conspiracy saps for thinking otherwise.
This blog will inform you again that a deal has been worked out that Xi will overthrow the PLA for 10 billion like Gorbachev did the Soviet Union, and China "will pay" for this virus. That is bullshit as much as Mexico is paying for that worthless border wall that is still letting foreign diseased trash into the United States.

 All men have bio weapon Coronavirus in their semen and of course you can trust me.


Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Ann Coulter's Blonde Moment on Coronavirus

In review, there is not a bat virus on the planet that infects humans and goes for the testicles, and spreads through the shit and the semen. That is man made, from a lab, and this virus was deliberately released and is being deliberately spread, and the fact is Ann Coulter is getting her 30 pieces whore payment in running cover for those who had a part in this operation.

Once again, Lame Cherry proven right again.

Nuff Said
