Friday, May 15, 2020

Thee Incredible Tale of the Father of Coronavirus

Is it Sam Hyde or it is James Spader, not even his lovers know!!!

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

From the National File, there has been exposed the reach of the arch mastermind, Sam Hyde, AKA Samsu Coronavirus Hydechow, in now the fact checkers are providing him deep state cover, as the notorious creator and spreader of the biological weapon, CCP FLU.

Photos have leaked of Comrade Hydechow in his many guises and this Lame Cherry has located them and publishes them, as this is the trail of the biological weapon mastermind.

Here is a photo of Hydechow, as Dr. Hydechow going Canadian plaid, just before a light lunch with Justin Trudeau, and just after he gained access to the Canadian biological weapon's factory in Winnipeg Manitoba.
There Hydechow, stole the Arabian SARS which Iran had contracted it the Swiss, but the Jews stepped in and gave them a virus of their own to protect the Muslim Sunni.

But wait, this is biological reseacher, Samuel Hydestein, in the Jewish state, where Dr. Hydestein, created the epic SARS. The Lame Cherry produces for the first time, that Sam Hyde is Ann Coulter's Magic Bat which flew to Saudi Arabia, copulated with a camel, then flew back home to copulate with

a lizard where, Patient Zero shoved the lizard up their vulva, thus creating the incubation womb of Coraonvirus Wuhan.

But wait, I do not have a photo of Sam Hyde's vulva which created coronavirus, but I assure you it is there, and he is the Chinese woman who spread the plague in Wuhan.

But wait, here is Comrade Samhu Hydebong, who took the Wuhan viruse he made, and spread it across the world.
One can see the Chinese oriental roots of Hydebong, before his plastic surgery, meant to pass him off as a White man.

Sorry this is Sam Hydesmythe, when he was in Canada, and how he got out of Canada with an oil tanker load of SARS virus. He loaded it into an oil carrier, drove it down Lake Ontario, into the St. Lawrence Seaway, laughed at his brilliance and in November, stopped in New York City, and peed on a case of Doritos, and from this began the first spread of Coronavirus in the United States.

The worst of yet was to come, as in order to get back into the United States, Dr. Sam Hydeton, injeculated five under liters of Coronaviurs Wuhan serum into his penis. There Hydeton returned to America, unnoticed, after "Cruise Ship Hopping" spreading his deadly biological weapon.

Why would such a notorious scheme ever be hatched by one man? We may never know the answer, as Sam Hyde is an enigma, wrapped inside a riddle, and he bought up 10 trillion dollars of toilet paper shares before the hoarding, and is now worth 5 quadrillion dollars!!!

This is the last known photo of Sam Hyde AKA Comrade Samsu Hydechow. He was going by Sam Hydeman, according to Homeland Security and was infecting reams of homosexuals he was working out with in male and female bath houses.

If anyone sees this notorious international criminal, know that he is driving with an expired Rhode Island drivers' license and eating Cheetos, throwing the bags outside of dumpsters and laughing, as there is absolutely not any limits to the laws he will thwart, break and simply not obey.


Granted there are no laws against making biological weapons, being Ann Coulter's magic bat, injeculating a biological weapon into your penis, so what this fiend will be charge with is unknown, but there are limits in being James Spader's love and finding out it is not James Spader.

Nuff Said
