Saturday, May 30, 2020

Januvary 4, 2017 AD - The Obama Flex

AG Barr Can't Let The Obama Administration Off The Hook - No Such Thing As Too Big To Jail   thepoliticalinsider

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

This Lame Cherry is about to provide you a factual narrative based on stories which seem unconnected, but they were huge in the consequences, of that the occupation of 1600 Penn Avenue by Barack Hussein Obama was engaged in.

We know the criminal nature of the abuse of power of Obama, from Eric Holder making a political prisoner of Rod Blagojevich for daring to not bow to the halo head, to Hutatree being set up by the FBI, to the IRS targeting the Tea Party. When Obama was challenged, he retaliated with full force, as was the case when Obama bartered the Vice Presidency to Joe Biden to destroy Lawrence Sinclair by the Delaware Mafia run by Biden jr, in Mr. Sinclair exposing Obama was a faggot and was connected to the murder of his gay sex partner, Donald Young, from Obama's, Rev. Wright, Goddamn America church.

There is a thread which runs through everything Obama to General Michael Flynn, and that thread goes back to the cozy Bush family in setting up a deal to have Russia and Ukraine convert nuclear weapons into nuclear fuel which was sold to American cronies cheaply, but none of those savings were passed on to Consumers.
That thread goes the chummy Bush family, with Bill and Hillary Clinton as a new uranium market appeared in Uranium One, which was promoted by Clinton, and later sold to Vladimir Putin's Russia, under Sec. of State Hillary Clinton, giving Russia a monopoly on world uranium control and production.

All of this was inherited and shepherded by Barack Hussein Obama. Do not forget Obama promised after he stole the election from strawman Mitt Romney, that he would be more flexible with the Russians. But as no treaties were ever made or agreements, and it seemed relations soured, what was Obama promising to the Russians?

The answer is in the corpse of LaVoy Finnicum, who with the Bundy's blundered into something they had no idea of. What Finnicum stumbled into was Obama Clinton having the USFW confiscate rancher property in Oregon, which happened to sit on uranium deposits outside the Malheur Wildlife Refuge.
The FBI had gone to great lengths to frame a ranching family for "burning grass" on their own land as they always had. The Bundy's responded in protest for that family, and the FBI under Special Agent Gregory Bretzing, appeared in such force that none of it made any sense. It made sense, because Russia had been promised that uranium, and it made sense that the James Comey FBI, unleashed murderous agents against Mr. Finnicum, who appear to have not just been FBI, but Delta Force assassins, and they left the Oregon State Police holding the bag.
The world watched as LaVoy Finnicum tried to surrender, stated he was unarmed, was murdered, and then left in the snow to bleed out. It would be two hours before his rifled body was visited by EMT's. The rifled body of things strewn around, was proof that Finnicum had no weapon, and his weapon which was left at the refuge was brought from there, and placed on the body by the FBI.

So Michael Flynn was about uranium, which Michael Flynn had no idea of, as his focus was on Iran becoming a nuclear terror state under the Obama Kerry treary, which was kept hidden. A treaty whose smoking gun provided that Russia would be the sole supplier of uranium to Iran. Russia was going to make a fortune in being bought off by Obama in this contract in giving Russia the American uranium to sell to Shia Islam terrorists.
But why would Obama do this in arming the Shia against the Sunni Saudi, Christian Americans and Jews of Tel Aviv? There are over 1.5 billion Shia Muslims, from Indonesia to Iran. They comprise the greatest future of leverage against the Chicoms and the Russians. Obama's entire Mideast explosion of murder from Benghazi to Syria, was to fund deep state operations on Arab oil, and to secure that oil for the globalists, under Obama's community organized Marxist Muslims.
Obama had a grand vision of reforming the Mideast in his own communist image, and the future was the billions of Shia, not the millions of Sunni.

That is what Obama meant to the Russians in being flexible. Once he was installed again, Obama could murder his problems like LaVoy Finnicum. He could unleash the FBI against the Bundy's, making examples of all. Obama would secure the markets of Indonesia to Iran, for Russia providing them with nuclear grade American mined uranium. The problem for Obama in this was, Obama was a crook, and Obama needed to cover up what he had done. The problem was Michael Flynn who was going to under Donald Trump, fire all of Obama's political minders which had weaponized the Intelligence Community, audit them, and set America on a course where the United States was not going to be propping up the nuclear terrorists of Iran.

John Solomon in his reporting states that January 4th, 2017 AD in the year of our Lord was pivotal. On that weekend, Peter Strzok and Lisa Page were about to shut down the Flynn investigation. He stated that the 7th floor though counter ordered his orders, meaning James Comey and Andrew McCabe were going after Flynn, which indeed they did, as has been proven they set up to frame General Flynn or intended to set a perjury trap, which they did.

Obama had promised the Russians a lucrative nuclear deal with Iran. This was in exchange for Obama moulding the Mideast in the Obama image. Enter General Flynn, and the nuclear deal is gone, and the Russians would become a major contender in this, and this was a major problem as the quid pro quo had Special Agent Gregory Bretzing murder LaVoy Finnicum to keep this Bush, Clinton, Obama selling of America operational.

That is why Birther Hussein went ballistic on General Flynn, along with the bad actors like John Brennan of CIA. They had invested all, broke laws, and had to keep Flynn out of the government, or all this would be exposed. If Flynn succeeded, it meant Russia would be furious in Obama not fulfilling the deal.

Much is questioned about when Obama did things and what Obama knew. I have reported that Obama left the building in June 13, 2013, and a stand in was fronting of the Clinton Bush mafia. In the above historical facts, it is evident that there was an understanding reached, where Obama Inc. reached out to Russia, meaning Vladimir Putin who wanted Hillary Clinton to win, as the documents Brennan concealed prove, for Russia's help in not just setting up Donald Trump with fake dossiers, but in calling General Michael Flynn, over conversations which Obama and James Comey were waiting for, to listen live time, to how the Russians were helping this scheme.

Logic would dictate that James Comey had been promised to be Clinton's Attorney General. Loretta Lynch in her tarmac deal with Bill Clinton, was going to the Supreme Court. Comey got the same deal that Joe Biden sold his soul for in setting up Larry Sinclair, and that is where all of this ballooned into Russiagate, Impeachment and Coronaviruses out of Obama Wuhan weapon's labs.

Comey is a self serving, deluded troll, with the same messiah complex as Obama. He is not all knowing and in Malheur, he probably unleashed the murderous FBI, because this Bush group hates the Tea Party and Mormons. Comey probably did not comprehend what was the real deal under the soil of Malheur. It would have been enough in pillow talk for Obama's image to have ........yes remember Comey stated he only spoke with Obama twice privately, but he never did say how many private conversations he had with Clinton or Clinton conduits, who would have promised him the Attorney General position if he "made Clinton crimes go away" and "dealt with those protesters who are a terror threat to America".

That is why General Michael Flynn, a democrat, was destroyed. He got in the way of a corrupt uranium deal. John Edwards was destroyed as he stood in the way of President Hillary Clinton. Rod Blagojevich, stood in the way of Obama's 70 plus Senate dictator majority to pass Obamacare. Obama made it a practice of destroying anyone  who got in the way of Obama's cronies and their globalist agenda. Flynn by all his statements, appears to have not had any idea that he was destroyed over a bribe to Russians in uranium sales.

Attorney General William Barr has stated not all abuses of power are criminal. With Obama and everyone involved in this General Flynn framing though, is the reality that murder was involved to protect uranium owned by Russia, murder was involved in covering up what was taking place in Benghazi and bribes were involved to Russia and Iran in a quid pro quo, which set off a coup in the United States, and in every situation in this, it was the image Obama, Michelle Obama, Val-erie Jarrett, Ben Rhodes, Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, John Brennan, James Clapper, James Comey,  Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok and the deluded Lisa Page who were accomplices.

It is not that everyone had to be in the know of the Obama Clinton uranium bribe to Russia and Iran, but that people were murdered to support this deal.

This once again is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
