Thursday, May 14, 2020

Tonto Tracks The Plague

It say here honkie that you spread em plague by the coof....

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Some may never figure out the Lame Cherry, because here am I stating that the American Indians should go the way of the dinosaur, if it can no survive as an America. The day of communist front reservations and crime syndicates making these trolls the bastion of organized crime, has come to an end. These lands need to be settled by Americans, as Americans paid for them twice over. The few should not have so many resource and be so incompetent.

In stating that reality, I also will defend the Buck for their right in this plague to create check points to stop the plague from coming onto the reservation. Governor Kristi Noem has called the Indian check points illegal, but when you have a people that can be wiped out by this biological weapon, they have the right as an organized group to set up check points and keep people out.

South Dakota tribe refuses request to remove Covid-19 checkpoints

The Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe in South Dakota is refusing to end coronavirus checkpoints declared illegal by the state's governor, saying they are the best tool they have to stop the virus from spreading. CNN's Sara Sidner reports.

This virus is being deliberately spread and Indians in their doping, drinking, whoring, community organized live ins, are killing themselves. That is their right to be Corona Genocided for being heathen, but as long as they are not costing me money or spreading this virus, the sooner they die the better for the world.
The Indian has the right not stop the small pox blankets coming in.

It is the same way with these goddamn nimwits from Wisconsin. Their courts opened things up so they will die, that is their right to be asstards in crowding into bars getting drunk and getting coofed. I have a problem in it costing me money in health care, but the sooner these Darwins die the better. They are not bright enough to know the courts are not protecting their rights but killing them, so they should die.
When EVER did the courts ever not back the regime in power to enforce anything from taxes, seat belts or smoking restrictions. But get a plague, and now they are worried about Church goers and Bar hopppers? Hell those are Conservatives and it is the state killing these dipshits off.

So the Lame Cherry will stand with Tonto against Governor Kristi Noem as she does a good job, but she is led around by the panties too and no longer gets a 100 proof score from Lame Cherry. She should have shut down Sioux Falls, but instead let it burn with Mexicans. No crackdowns on foreigners and she has her Gopher Wardens extorting money from the Citizen again on the bounty program, All horse shit, and all a point that the Indian can at least try to stop the plague, even if the coof is being spread to them, the same way it is other target groups.


Why can't you just be a good Indian....

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said

