As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Coast to Coast AM with George Noory had a real ignorant on, as most of his experts are. This Lawrence Light was talking about 2008 and that Super Depression, in speaking in 2020 that we would have a recession again. This poor orphan girl will provide some facts.
Financial journalist Lawrence Light discussed why he believes the economy is on the brink of a severe downturn.
You can check the archives here in 2009, January, and you will discover that George W. Bush and that Paulson had stabilized the United States economy, from the 2008 crash. The fact is in January 2009, the economy was coming back to life. All through 2009, the well to do were still spending money in trying to keep that stability moving.
There was one problem in this, and that was Franklin Roosevelt Obama, decided to pull an FDR, who deliberately expanded the Great Depression in order to ram through his socialism. Obama did the same thing to ram through Obamacare rationed death and other draconian measures in the Mideast for his community organized Muslim communists.
The fact is the WORLD NEVER RECOVERED FROM THE OBAMA SUPER DEPRESSION. The United States was in economic depression for 8 years of Obama. Donald Trump listened to Goldman Sachs and rewarded them and did not benefit the poor in tax cuts, or those earning under 50,000 dollars in not paying income taxes at all, as Mr. Trump promised.
The US economy is a fake. It was a Wall Street slight of hand, from the US Treasury dumping money into Wall Street, and the Fed buying debt with debt in Quantitative Easing.
America under Donald Trump has been entering a recession before Coronavirus, as it had 28 million Americans in worthless jobs, who are not being pushed back to catch Coronavirus or starved. It has over 100 million foreign vermin stressing the system and now by spreading the plague, stressing the US food supply.
The United States is in 2020, entered into not stagflation, but moved from Trumpflation to Plagueflation as food prices are soaring in speculation, just as under Woodrow Wilson in World War I.
Money manager Peter Schiff thinks he knows why, and explains:
“(Back in 2008-2009,) even Larry Kudlow was worried about what the Fed was doing, but nobody is worried about it now. The reason is they have been lulled into this false sense of complacency in that we got away with it the last time... and there was no negative consequence.What has to break is the U.S. dollar, and that’s coming, according to Schiff, “We are going to overwhelm with dollar supply..."
We didn’t have runaway inflation and did not have loss of confidence in the dollar. So, there was no price to be paid...
Since we got away with it before, they think they will get away with it again, and I think they are completely wrong...
All we did was inflate a bigger bubble, but now this bubble has popped, and it found the mother of all pins in the Coronavirus that put a gaping hole in it, so the air is coming out much faster. Now, they are trying to reflate this thing. We are going to suffer the consequences, not only what we are doing now, but what we did back then...
When is all this inflation going to move out of the stock market and into the supermarket? I am surprised this has not already happened, but I do think we are at the end of the line... Here’s what is going on. We are going to have this massive inflation tax. We are seeing price increases at the supermarkets.”
"We are printing all this money. The Fed is buying all these bonds. . . . This is it. The Fed is going all in on QE. There is no limit. They are printing all this money, and, so, ultimately, the dollar is going to tank. It hasn’t happened yet, but it will. That’s when the party really ends. That’s when there is massive pressure on consumer prices. That’s when there is massive (upward) pressure on interest rates. . . . This could be an inflationary depression. We could have hyper-inflation. We didn’t have anything like that in the Great Depression. During the 1930’s, prices went down, and people got some relief with lower prices. That made the downturn not as bad. Imagine high unemployment with the cost of living skyrocketing. That’s what we are heading for. It’s going to be the 1970’s only on steroids because it’s going to be a much deeper economic contraction with a much bigger increase in consumer prices.”
Barack Hussein Obama has caused the economic plague which is killing the world. It is not isolation or lock downs as Jeff Rense keeps posting like a woman scorned on his site. The economy was going to plunge due to the fraud of Wall Street. It would have happened this year or in 2021, and then the super depression would appear in America again, as it is appearing now.
Just as FDR started a war to end the Great Depression, the United States is falling into a war with China, as the United States is already at war with China. Iran with Obama making them a nuclear option, is on the front as their nuclear production is legalized under Obama as of 2020 AD in the year of our Lord.
The focus on stagflation or other measures of a collapsed economy are irrelevant as the United States will move to a war economy, geared to the erasing of the US debt by taking the Chinese paper dragon surplus of gold. What is not spoken of by the experts is that there will have to be more than Wuhan, meaning more than a virus, and instead a Pearl Harbor or 9 11 event. Logic is that the stalemate in the South China Sea, where Peking has chosen to stand, and humiliate the United States is not the direct confrontation the United States would maneuver for. Logic would dictate that the correct front would be Iran, and an Iranian nuclear event to bring the United States to bear on that front. Eliminate Iran, and pollute it, with Afghanistan and it closes the door to Chinese invasion of the Mideast and Iranian oil supply to China. Stalemate China in the South China and nuclear pollute the Mideast, and China has one option remaining in Alaska, and that long water route is not one which Peking can hold once taken, and there the dragon will die as it's Gobi underbelly is laid open.
This is the logical progression.
Once again another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter
Nuff Said