Wednesday, May 20, 2020

The Coofers of the Brier

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I wondered the other day when I called my neighbor to feed cattle, why when I asked what time he would be there, he hedged.

I got in from chores and looked out, and there he was dumping in a bale of hay. I walked out and he did not stop as usual, and just waved.

Yesterday I find out, his sister and her husband have the coof. The sister watches her grandkids, which my neighbor just rented his place to, and he was driving around with them in the tractor this past week.

Yeah, social distancing and being embarrassed, and not wanting to tell me that he was exposed to the coof.

Great news is, it was raining fairy pee mist today around 5 o'clock, and I look out, and there are the kids and their father, riding around on the road with their ATV's. So much for social distancing and being responsible for the lives of others.

Not going to forget that shit and there is a reason I never had anything to do with that bunch of Darwins halftards.

So Coronavirus is on my doorstep, granted the door is 220 yards to the road and a half mile from here is the house, but that is about as close as I care to be around halftard coofers.

See, the lesson in this is, all these fuckwits who have been bitching about rights, had the courts open things up, to gather right wingers to expose them to virus so they will die. All these halftards have heard about their rights and are now out spreading this virus as carriers as "they feel fine".

What follows on this will be mandatory forced mass injections, starting with the geezers who took Medicare and are in homes, and can not run away.

I'm not going to forget what these halftards have done. Long memories out here and what comes around goes around. They will need something sometime, and they are not going to get any help from me. It is the way the shit gets weeded out of the brier patch.

Nuff Said

