Friday, May 22, 2020

Prepare for the Summer Tidal Wave of Coronavirus being Initiated

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry will have more on this, but it is publishing the following realities, that there is a second wave of Coronavirus this summer. I did not inquire on this, but this is logical in what this virus does.

My advice is to each of you, to prepare, not with just food, fuel and a way to keep yourself safe as you have previously, but to keep yourself from becoming a target to be tracked. If you can, prearrange with your physician, if you have one, to prescribe either Chloroquine with zinc as a preventative or Ivomec with doxycycline as a preventative. I don't care if you tell your doctor that you are going on safari to Africa or that you ate cat shit and do not want to get worms.

The headlines indicate there is a wave coming which will be ..........think of the first wave as an ocean wave. what this second one is looking like is a tidal wave.

You have been lied to and manipulated. Victor Davis Hansen, your trusted conservative, along with all these harpies on the right have been preaching Herd Immunity. I told you this was bullshit, and now Sweden has proven with their mass killing of the elderly, that there is no herd immunity there.

Antibody Study Reveals No Sign of Herd
Immunity in Sweden

The military is a source of information I will listen to, as they need Soldiers operational like bearings need grease. If they are bracing for a second wave, there is a second wave, and they believe in their interactions, that this virus is going to keep spreading.
What is taking place in America, in people being brainwashed and overwhelmed, they are saying to hell with it, and will spread this virus.

Senior military leaders warn coronavirus threat is
'not going away' as they brace for a second wave

ECDC Director Warns Europe Will See a
Second Wave as Public 'Resolve' Weakens

There are going to be widespread examples of this taking place. There are going to be sick people in restaurants infecting hundreds of people. The Lame Cherry is warning you, if you are working with foreigners, DO NOT USE THE COMPANY TOILETS OR SHOWERS. That is the main source of the group spreading.
What you have been going through in taking measures, there are going to be 1000 times more exposures in what is projected. You can do the math. Under distancing, the US with foreigners is running 25,000 plus new cases each day. When this opens up, it will increase.
Tucker Carlson can be head up his ass in stating that lockdowns saved no one, because he never contemplated in this wee brain that when it comes to biological weapons, people spread them deliberately as has been captured in the Chinese PLA.

As Customers And Employees Return, Coronavirus
Outbreaks Bloom At Retail Stores

CV hits TX day care - majority of cases among staff

As I have stated, I have not inquired in this from what I did previously, just am too tired, but I do not believe there will be a massive second wave in the fall, because the massive second wave is coming this summer, because this virus has parameters of how it infects populations. This virus in open America is now being fed humans, and it likes humans.

 Just get extra prepared. That is the best advice I can provide you being a poor orphan girl. Use your sense in medical people are going to have a breaking point. They just spent 3 months dodging this virus. They have enough money, and they are not going to want to expose themselves to 3 times the numbers. They will quit and go home.

The targets of this virus are the Mexicans, Blacks, Indians, Christian Protestants, the American elderly and 28 million employed poor. Look who is dying. Look who is getting the screws put to them to be exposed.

This virus is the start of things. There are bigger things which will be initiated.

This virus is the bullet, and people are being hunted with it.
