Sunday, May 3, 2020

The Bullshit of Sweden

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It is increasingly difficult for President Donald Trump to defend his original containment of Coronavirus as "open America" now is the new trend, in getting America working and Americans dying.

The Coronacaust Deniers have swung like a pendulum from this virus is not that lethal to the new mantra of "we need to get the economy moving", none of which is true, as this plague is deadly, but what is even more deadly is forcing the lower working classes back into the pandemic to die.

This Lame Cherry is going to explain something as the new crutch in the Coronacaust is Sweden as the holy grail of all that is right and how Donald Trump is a dipshit when it comes to Coronavirus.

I will explain the falsehood of the following quote after you read it.

Swedish experts figured out how pursue two seemingly-conflicting objectives at the same time: Contain the virus sufficiently so it doesn’t collapse the health care system while exposing enough people to the infection to eventually achieve herd immunity. They encouraged the public to comply with their distancing directives while –at the same time–they allowed the controlled spread of the virus. This is how they managed to achieve their core objectives: Containment and immunity. At the same time, Sweden eschewed the lockdowns, kept their economy running, and preserved an atmosphere of normalcy unlike any other country in Europe. It’s really an astonishing achievement.
The Swedish strategy rests on three main pillars: Immunity, sustainability, and protection of the old and vulnerable. On the immunity count, they score an A+, far superior to any of the other countries that opted for a containment plan that ends as soon as the lockdowns are terminated resulting in a surge of cases and fatalities. What good is that? What good is a strategy that forces people to bolt the door and hide under the bed until the pain of economic retrenchment becomes too excruciating to bear? It’s lunacy. In contrast, the Swedish strategy employs some social distancing and crowd control measures while–at the same time– allowing low-risk people to engage in normal social interactions that expose them to the virus. The vast majority of these healthy people remain either completely asymptomatic or get a minor cough or fever.

The Swedes figured out nothing. They are asstard socialists who have gambled that the masses can die for the fictional "herd immunity" so the elite can rule from their mansions.
Sweden's death rate is horrid in nursing homes, because in their Obama rationed death, old people are expendable. They shrug at this murder of old people as a mistake, but it was deliberated murder of the elderly to get them off the welfare wagon.

This Lame Cherry is going to address something which has been covered up, and that is in the United States, the majority of deaths and infections have been in grubby groups of people, in the Chinese, Italians, Blacks, Hispanics and coming American Indians. Mexicans are running at an infection rate of 35%, Blacks are running at 18%, and their numbers of deaths are higher than the proportion of the White majority. There is the reality of around 57% of the problems with Coronavirus in America are non Whites.
If Americans had been told at the start of this, that it was Chinese workers who were infecting old White people with their shitty hands, and that the majority of infections and deaths were foreigners or Italians, 6 trillion dollars would not have been spent.

This is not to say that this plague is not dangerous, as it was deliberately spread by the PLA, and deliberately spread by other interests in the White and other communities. What I'm stating is, there are genus specific viruses, meant to kill off susceptible groups, in order to cripple economies like the United States which depend on slave labor and the welfare expenditures to drive the economy.

The Swedes are not having an infection problem with the various strains of Coronavirus, because of their specific Semite heritage. The Lost 10 Tribes have genetic factors which make them resistant as in the Black Plague and HIV.  The other peoples in specific Asians, Negroes, Spanish and Indians are highly susceptible.
The Swedes have done nothing right and Donald Trump has done nothing wrong. If President Trump had not locked down certain liberal city states, the United States would have had not 68,000 dead by the first of May, but over 1 million dead, as that is the infection rate of severe cases.

The death rate of Coronavirus is 18%. The United States has been dropping this death rate from 24% when it started, but the fact is that Sweden has had 265 deaths per million while America has had 207 deaths per million.
Social distancing has worked as it has in other nations. The Swedes have had a catastrophe as they have a genus group with resistance and have one of the worst death rates.

Cases which had an outcome:
1,153,988 (82%)
Recovered / Discharged

248,245 (18%)

This bullshit that one model fits all is horseshit. If America had followed Sweden's model, they would have had a million dead. If Sweden would have had the American model, it would have had only 230 dead like Finland, instead of 2600 dead.

For the facts, the United States stock market would have crashed, Coronavirus or not. The US economy is a Ponzi scheme of foreigners as slaves and the rich printing debt, making genocide inflation for Americans, as the trillions are laundered into their Wall Street accounts. This fraud was not sustainable.
For the record, there will be an event which will wipe the books clean, and it will lead to a war, where all the gold not in California will be confiscated in the victory of the few feudal Europeans left.

All of this is cover for what is coming and these Sweden worshipers are the same frauds who have been plotting against Donald Trump for four years.

Put a genus biological weapon inside Sweden, and those socialist will drop deader than Pepe in a South Dakota meat slaughter plant.

I really think the President should appoint me as the mysterious Secretary of Pandemic, and I can sign Lincoln warrants and arrest all these Mockingbird agents who produce these narratives that are so asstard that they give an anus a bad name for what comes out of them.

Quote Vietnam, which went into lockdown, and had only 271 cases and no deaths from Coronavirus, because the Vietnamese are not Chinese, Italian, Persian or Spanish. This virus does not recognize the Vietnamese as a meal, as it does not recognize most Swedes as a meal.

This is once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
