Wednesday, May 20, 2020

The Obama That Tells No Tales

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Let no one forget that two men were targeted by Barack Hussein Obama, which led to Russiagate, Impeachment and now Coronavirus, as it all goes back to the Birther issue which was brought up by these two men, in Jerome Corsi and Donald Trump.

From this singular challenge to the illegitimacy of Barack Hussein Obama, who admitted he was British by birth, but it "expired", BHO set about to humiliate Donald Trump in public at a press function. From this Donald Trump began his march to the White House to expose Obama for what he was.
It was in all of this that  Obama attempted to frame Donald Trump, by framing Michael Flynn, and in the fall out, Obama Comey moved to destroy Jerome Corsi. All of this had to do with the Obama Grudge against Trump and Corsi.

All of this goes to the cover up which Barack Hussein Obama began over his being illegitimate, in releasing a fraud birth abstract, and when this only brought more questions, about Obama having another fake document in his draft registration, that led to the biggest fraud of Obama  the Chest Thumper claiming he killed Sheik bin Laden.

There is a new theory about this, which I do not believe, because inquiry pointed to bin Laden died in Muslim China, and the Chinese sold his body to Obama, for Obama handing over a stealth helicopter to the Chinese which "crashed" in the bin Laden compound.

The new theory is bin Laden was taken to Benghazi and tortured there.

Now that I have a source, Boris, who created “The Boris Files,” — I’ve done a lot of reporting on him; we’re doing the videos — he says that bin Laden was not killed in the Abbottabad raid, but he was captured.  According to Boris, he was brought to Benghazi and tortured.  I can’t verify whether that’s true or not, but the claim has some merit to me because of the very suspicious circumstances under which bin Laden was supposedly buried at sea and how few people were witnesses to it.

This is what happens when you are the Obama intrigue, cutting deals with Chicoms, buying a corpse, which would not pass an autopsy, and it exposes Obama's supplying weapons in Benghazi to terrorists, and the worst crime of the Obama regime, in Obama meant for Chris Stevens to be kidnapped by Muslims, and Obama would send in the troops to undo the ghosts of Jimmy Carter in a hostage rescue.

Remember how this all worked with Jerome Corsi. His Attorney was about to discover the identity of the Missing Link, and when that fact was reported here, Robert Mueller closed down the entire witch hunt against Donald Trump.  Corsi is now on the side of the tables which have turned. I would bet that there is a closer distancing between the President and Corsi, as this all began over the fake birth document.

Remember that Birther Hussein humiliated Donald Trump in public. The President is not a man to just win the White House and call it a day, not when Obama has been trying to destroy him financially, destroy him politically and throw him into prison. Donald Trump is a man who has a score to settle, and I see hints in this, that Donald Trump is going to take this darkie to the woodshed.

It is not that easy to take a globalist stooge to the woodshed though, as we are talking about the historical Obama. It is not going to be enough to have John Brennan roll on this stooge and get Obama indicted. It is not going to be enough to finger Obama for the Coronavirus. It is not going to be enough to have Comey squeal like a pig.
What would be enough is Obama buying bin Laden's cadaver to save his black ass from being a foreigner who should not have been in the White House. Have Americans know they were made a fool of by Obama, and then the entire illegitimate Obama pulls the entire Obama fraud down.

Just remember that the Shin Bet Jews had game in this, and Obama screwed them out of the deal. It is better than average in this, that what took place on June 13th, 2013 AD in the year of our Lord is going to reappear as the final chapter in this, to close this saga down.
Someone has been trying to give the President the plague, has been infecting outlier staff. It may be just like John McCain suicided himself when he was going to be exposed for a cancer fraud, that a script may be written for an old black man might get the virus he created.

Watch for the Corsi traction.


Nuff Said
