White girl, you get Chinaman damn good with Chinavirus we make.
You real top notch American beech.
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
The cover up in China has begin in the Peking Breakout of Xivid 20, named in honor of dictator Xi, WHO for naming things Covid to cover up China's part in this biological weapon and 20 to honor Jerome Corsi as he promised a new virus would appear in 2020, just when everyone was comfortable with the Chinavirus 2019.
The reason this poor orphan girl is assessing that the Chicoms are covering up a major outbreak of plague again, is this Lame Cherry first reported that someone had just infected the Chinese fish supply with Coronavirus, due to the report that it was Chinese salmon which were the sourced of the new spread.
.....and just when Ann Coulter was getting her knickers wet in saying Corona came out of a bat's ass as a prostitute for the globalists.
Something Fishy in Peking's Neo Coronavirus Outbreak
Salmon has also been pulled from grocery stores both in Beijing and nationwide after salmon cutting boards at the market reportedly tested positive for the virus.
See how this works is like this:
China in Obama's Wuhan bioweapon lab was making a genocide weapon against America, from Justin Trudeau's biolab they stole it out of in Manitoba. That virus was replaced to make a strike against China.
Peking took that virus and spread it to the United States in biological warfare.
China's PLA went two steps further in, importing Mexican diseased vermin, to ruin the United States meat supply.
So who this works is someone just retaliated in ruining the rest of the Chicoms meat supply in their fish markets.
China imported from America and the world most of the rice, meat and oil, to prepare for world war, but China was counting on it's huge domestic fish markets to keep producing. Those fish farms did indeed continue producing, but now they just infectd 1.4 billion or more like the 200 million Chinese elite with poison salmon.
This though has all been covered up as China went into panic mode 2020, in they are scorching earth again, and testing anything which moves. The Lame Cherry would bet, that this new virus, not out of Ann Coulter's bat's ass, has a new twist in it, as China did not get with the globalist program after getting it's naughty Chinaman fingers slapped by the Occidental elite.
That is why Peking is in panic, as those behind this struck at the ruling elite of China and their food supply. It is hard to keep control over a starving country and even more difficult to invade Taiwan or come to Iran's aid, as India is kicking your ass on the border. The key part in this is, it is hard to start a war when your China gut is empty.
Beijing's coronavirus situation is "extremely severe", a city official warned Tuesday, as 27 new infections were reported in the Chinese capital from a cluster has sparked a huge trace-and-test programme.
The new cases took the number of confirmed infections in Beijing over the past five days to 106, as authorities locked down almost 30 communities in the city and tested tens of thousands of people.
Beijing officials said Tuesday they had disinfected 276 agricultural markets and 33,000 food and beverage businesses, closing 11 markets.
Seven more residential estates were also locked down on Tuesday.
But now the Lame Cherry brings you a pause in our show, like the internet does, to sell you something adn remind you of things. The Lame Cherry features Barbara Williams, a most attrative thing of Canada before Justin Trudeau, and from the time when William Shatner was the pleasant things Canada shared with the world, before world criminal Trudeau unleashed the plague with Obama and Xi.
Now back to our story, but that's about it, as no one is going to pay attention after seeing Barbara Williams. I have never seen her in anything worth a damn literally. Saw pictures of her in Thief of Hearts, where she was hot, but not much going on with Corey Haim or Charles Bronson. Such a pity as she could act, but never was in anything I would like, like sci fi or westerns.
Anyway, just adding to the drama of the Xivid 2020. Is this Jerome Corsi's new plague as Peking acts like it, as trying to make Americans go hungry, has brought an escalation of Chinese going hungry as this war with China is progressing toward something which China will have to win in weeks as they are dying.
A nice person asked if we had enough JDAMS to fast cook these problems, but it is more the fun weapons in the kinetic sphere which swat the flies where they live. You use the poison clouds to discourage future contact on that front and the fun things to obliterate them in their holes so you can walk up and take a piss down the bunker hole.
My apologies to Barbara Williams in saying the p word as I want to show her the due and proper respect.
Oh look, China only has 40 cases reported today. Such a pity as they were doing so good for months after the rest of the world died to:
Such a shame for them to get sick from fish, but that magic bat of Ann Coulter not only bites camels in Saudi Arabia thousands of miles away, but now it swims like Flipper 20,000 leagues under the seat to bite salmon.
Ann Coulter's bat is really dangerous. Maybe she will wow us again in all her expertise in microbiology as she calls Conservatives morons again as she explains the tale of the magic bat swimming in the ocean intent on biting fish to infect Chinese in Peking.
The Chicoms this time did not have the time to concoct a cover story, so they have gone silent and are not trying to explain away Xivid 2020.
How lovely it would have been to watch Barbara Williams star with Richard Boone in a Western, Have Virus - Will Travel.
Nuff Said