Friday, June 12, 2020

Why the FBI is not Protecting the President

This is St. John's Church in DC after the Obama Intifada.
This is what the FBI took a knee in support of.


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

After this blog exposed the FBI and BATFE were not part of the teams to protect the White House and Washington DC, because they could not be trusted, I came across a photo of the FBI in Washington DC, on patrol, during the riots, and they took a knee, with full body armour and weapons.

According to an FBI official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, “Barr has been a consistent presence in the Washington Field Office’s Command and Tactical Operations Center (CTOC), where he has been directly overseeing the operations to deploy law enforcement and military forces around the city to combat protestors.”
There are numerous issues with the deployment of FBI special agents to work on crowd control issues. One example occurred several days ago and was recorded in a TikTok video that showed 10-15 FBI Special Agents, patrol the streets in Washington D.C. Those agents were confronted with a much larger group of protestors who asked the special agents to “take a knee.”

This blog warned that the FBI was enabling these terrorists. They are along with local liberals establishing this Obama 5th Column Antifada inside the United States to overthrow the Republican Convention and the November elections.

This is the FBI which supported the burning of a Christian Church in Washington DC. As this blog has warned, Obama stacked hundreds of his pleebs into these agencies before he left the building, and the reality is, John Durham indicting a few, is not what is necessary, as thousands need to be fired and banned from all government and law enforcement forever.

Nuff Said
