Monday, June 22, 2020

A Star Named Satan

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Time lines change and so do circumstances. William Cooper became the godfather of modern conspiracy theories, like Dr. John Coleman of the UK.

There has been for years a proposition for turning Jupiter into a second sun, a sun of perpetual light, and a remedy for an ice age, due to the dust clouds which follow in the wake of the mother hen and her chicks.

the documents that I 
read while in Naval Intelligence stated that Project GALILEO required only 
five pounds of plutonium to ignite Jupiter and possibly stave off the 
coming ice age. Global warming is a hoax. It is easier for the public to deal 
with and will give the ruling elite more time before panic and anarchy 
replace government. The reality is that overall global temperatures are 
becoming lower. Storms are becoming more violent and less predictable. 

The icecaps at the poles are growing larger. The temperate zones where 
food can be grown are shrinking. Desertification is increasing in the trop- 
ics. An ice age is on its way, and it will occur suddenly.

The dust clouds are a reality, yet the time line was changed. Now as it Cooper's treatise exposing this, or did a different kind of bribery become the answer for a star named Satan.

Behold a pale horse.

Nuff Said
