Monday, June 22, 2020

Dr. Kissinger & Dr. Gates Order Turn Your Head and Coof

Henry Kissinger & Bill Gates Call For Mass Vaccination & Global Governance - Activist Post   activistpost

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

There have been some interesting developments in the Moderna, globalist, multi conglomerate race to make a protein sheathed on Coronavirus.

The subject is a Pandemic Gladiator named Ian Haydon, who volunteered to be injected with a serum to save everyone from a biological weapon which came out of Wuhan China.

The problem is that Ian Haydon was the poster boy for global vaccines on CNN on May 5th. The problem is 22 days later, he was almost dead from that vaccine.

This probably does not need repeating, but a healthy man who volunteered to take the dead baby serum from Moderna, almost became aborted by this serum.

In all of this Ian Haydon was more concerned about the facts coming out about how he was affected, which would help the anti vax people, than in the Truth being made known to the public.

You know Ian Haydon from many appearances on CNN and other networks celebrating his heroic act of volunteering to test Moderna’s experimental COVID vaccine. The sun has now set on Haydon’s television career.

Moderna chose Haydon for the study because of his robust good health. He was among the 15 volunteers in the high dose group. Within 45 days, three of these—a shocking 20%—experienced “serious” adverse events according to Moderna’s press release meaning they required hospitalization or medical intervention.
Less than 12 hours after vaccination, Hayden suffered muscle aches, vomiting, spiked a 103.2 degree fever and lost consciousness. His girlfriend caught him as he fell.

Haydon's story though is far too much not enough information, and readers here should remember that in the Phase II trials, there were different doses given to the guinea pigs. Haydon is a fine propagandist for forced global vaccination as he let slip his macho man, that he had the largest dosage which was 10 times stronger than the others.
Haydon is  running a psyops in this, and a clever one, because he wants people to think he got an elephant size vial shot into him, but the fact is, the largest dose which was given was 250 mcg, which is not a large dose at all, and it means that the smallest dose was 25 mcg or micrograms.

After all the people getting sick and 20% were sick, that means that lesser doses of this dead baby serum were becoming seriously ill, Moderna announced that in Phase III, the dose would be 100 mcg's in the final trials, before Homeland and the United States military would begin forcing vaccinations on everyone with the over 500 million doses ordered. Do not overlook in this that the soft murmuring in this is that at least a SECOND DOSE will be mandated, so one shot does not kill all.

Haydon said he turned down an offer to be taken to a local hospital, and instead went home to rest with Tylenol.
After sleeping a few hours, he still had a temperature of 101.5 — feeling so nauseous, he threw up in the bathroom, he said.
He then fainted on his way back to the bedroom — with his girlfriend luckily on hand to stop his head from slamming into the floor, he said.

He stressed that he had received the highest dose from the trials — one 10 times stronger than others — which he has been told “will no longer be tested.”

You are most fortunate in the Lame Cherry as I take to microbiology like a duck to water, as I do all things by God's Grace, in explaining the realities to you. The reality about this serum is what it is in the 1237 protein, as more information has leaked out in what is exactly taking place in these experiments, and these are experiments, in something NEVER tried before on the public.

It was stated that 1237 in his serum, wraps up the Coronavirus protein spike which infects cells, but that is not what the data is being stated. What is taking place is this serum is the HUMAN CORONAVIRUS, the one people know as the flu and get vaccinated from. This Human Coronavirus though is a CHIMERA, a hybrid virus, which has this protein attached to it which is the nasty infector of Coronavirus Wuhan.
The explanation is, the Chimera Coronavirus with the 1237 spike spliced into it, is the one which the body recognizes as a virus, and produces anti bodies for. The human antibodies for Human Corona though are mirrored to the Coronavirus Wuhan by the 1237 protein, and this new antigen is supposed to keep people from contracting this plague.

This explains why Ian Haydon was almost aborted by the Bill Gates dead baby vaccine, because he contracted the hybrid virus and it made him deathly ill. This is not a vaccine, and this is not a serum, this is an infection being injected into the body.

We know for certain that anything over 150 mcg's is almost lethal to humans as this biological weapon. We know for CERTAIN THIS IS A BIOLOGICAL WEAPON in the original Wuhan form, due to the fact that they had to splice in the Human Coronavirus for the body to even recognize it was a virus. By splicing in the Human Corona with the 1237 spike protein, it does not include the Wuhan deadly HIV and Tuberculosis which was spliced into this biological weapon, and which has been disabling and killing people. We know that this 1237 protein is a super weapon, because putting it onto a standard Human Coronavirus turns that virus into something that produces a 103 fever, makes you puke your guts out, and so wipes a person out, that they pass out.

We know that a 25 to 75 mcg dose is worthless, as the body does not produce any antigens to the virus. 100 mcg's is what has been settled upon, but that is in HEALTHY people. The reality is this serum of dead baby origin will affect sick and elderly people worse at the 100 mcg level than if they were robust 29 year old males.

One size is not going to fit all in this serum, as there is little difference between 25 mcg and 250 mcg,  and the fact in this is, this serum is producing a hybrid Coronavirus which will be spread into the human population in greater numbers than what Coronavirus Wuhan has spread. This virus will not go away ever from this serum, as it will make people sick and they will make other people sick with this new chimera, and this virus still has all the natural mutation triggers in it, so it will mutate to stay alive.

As a Christian Conservative, it is a sad state of affairs that Robert Kennedy jr. is the one who is sounding the alarms over this serum, because this information should be coming from the Mockingbird media on the right, but they are too busy spreading the virus in opening up America, and forcing the 28 million Americans with shit jobs due to Mexican plague carriers being brought in to work at foreign slaughter plants, to place their lives into jeopardy as they will be forced to get the vaccine or be starved out in unemployment is being cut off.

 This is all progressing to forced vaccinations, and as we are discovering in the Netherlands that numbers of people who had Coronavirus are still sick 90 days after recovering, the question is just how much of a problem is this Corona Chimera going to be and how good is it, when it will require multiple injections?

All of this is based on monkey experiments, and a certain genus of monkeys. What is never being related though is Sweden developed no herd immunity from killing off it's old people. Serum immunity will degrade in months. The British Astra Zeneka studies had less success with their serums, as the monkeys all contracted Coronavirus after injections, but the British stated they did not "get it as bad".

The first study involved 35 rhesus macaques monkeys that were divided into vaccine and control groups. 25 of them received one of the six DNA vaccine prototypes and 10 where given placebo drugs. The monkeys were then exposed to the SARS-CoV-2 virus.
Eight of the 25 vaccinated animals showed no detectable virus after exposure, while the others showed very low levels of the virus. The viral loads were dramatically lower in the vaccinated animals compared to the control group. The higher the level of antibodies, the lower the viral load. That’s a finding that suggests these neutralizing antibodies can be used to benchmark vaccines.
In the second study, the team assessed the natural immunity of the same species of monkeys against reinfection. Nine adult macaques were exposed to the virus, and researchers monitored their progression. The subjects experienced the expected viral pneumonia and recovered, developing antibodies within 28 days.
A week later, the monkeys were reexposed to the virus. They showed almost complete protection to the virus. Analysis of nasal swabs and bronchoalveolar lavage following the reinfection showed traces of the virus consistent with exposure, but the levels declined rapidly and there was no recoverable virus in samples. “Little or no clinical disease was observed in the animals following rechallenge,” the authors explain, as the animals developed rapid immune responses following reinfection with the same pathogen.

The fact is flu vaccines work only 1 out of 3 times.  The facts emerging in this are that this serum is designed to make people sick to trigger an immune response. I do not see the point in it, as there is already an S strain which inoculates so why inject a Chimera Corona, and then catch the virus again, as the results appear to not be changed injected or not.

This blog is filling in the information which is not being provided. No one is informing the public what this serum is, what it does nor what is in it. The Lame Cherry is not convinced this serum is something which people should be injected with, especially those who are geezers and gimps as one size does not fit all with this serum.

Once again, this is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said

