Sunday, June 21, 2020

Time to absorb SDNY into a Non New York Jurisdiction.

Something is wrong with a law enforcement picture when one is head of the FBI stonewalling
investigations, one was Deputy AG who created Robert Mueller,
and the last is fired and says he does not have to go.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

After the FBI fiasco in the numerous coup attempts against Candidate and President Donald Trump, in the calls for the FBI to be replaced, after the display of Second District New York again after the Attorney General removed the acting US Attorney there, it is time for SDNY to be dissolved as New York does not need a second district, any more than any other jurisdiction.

SDNY has proved to be a police state of it's own in prosecution and FBI overreach. The disasters are numerous from spying on Donald Trump, sending Homeland to intimidate Americans, Jeffrey Epstein's murder to this latest Geoffry Berman, being fired on Friday and then announcing that he is not leaving, because he is not leaving. This arrogance is a thumb to the face of the rule of law. John Roberts of the Supreme Court says Obama can create an executive order illegally, but Donald Trump can not end it without following a complicated set of rules. That is not checks and balances, that is judicial dictatorship.

Berman though is now leaving only because a woman is taking his place that he vouches for, which makes her suspect.

Deputy U.S. Attorney Audrey Strauss

There are no photos of her, as we have to take the word of the Justice Department that his woman even exists.

So all of this proves that SDNY must be ended. Here is a Peter Strzok memo to SDNY in spying on Donald Trump. As you can see, everything is blanked out. That is not open government and it is a symptom of the disease of this plague which is SDNY.

If Manhattan is too large of a case load, then by all means put Manhattan into the jurisdiction of some state like New Hampshire or Pennsylvania where New York animosity will spur those jurisdictions to fall hard on New York and serve thee American public, as what has been taking place in SDNY is not the rule of law.

Nuff Said
