Sunday, June 21, 2020

How are you doing with the Ghost of Robert Lansdale

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

This poor orphan girl of the Lame Cherry is desiring that you answer the question above about Robert Lansdale, because what you are being put through is a psychological operation, from the ghost of Robert Lansdale, and it is all to bring about what Webster Griffin Tarpley stated was the agenda by the elite 5 years ago, to split the democratic party into a communist Obama wing and a nazi Clinton wing.........things changed, but Donald Trump is going to lead the nazi or national socialist wing, and in every manipulation of this, you can observe the country being rent, into two divisions by anarchy and law and order, in this diversion to install nazism, which will one day give itself over to another Obama messiah, in communist control will be what America is joined to in the global organized community of the feudal few ruling the many provided for, as robotics plunder the planet.

Muhammad Ali's Son Calls Black Lives Matter 'Racist' 'Devils'   max 

An armed individual is at the Robert E. Lee monument in Richmond, Virginia, police said Saturday morning   abc 

BREAKING: Rioters In Washington D.C. Tear Down Statue, Burn It As Police ‘Watching.’ Trump Responds.   dailywire

“NYC cops have reached the breaking point” – NYPD officers encouraged to STRIKE on July 4th – The Right Scoop   scoop 

Blacks like Kayne West and Cassius Clay jr., will split the democratic party for a Trump win. The Law and Order group, which includes unions will flow to Mr. Trump too, as a Trumpican Party is formed, just as you were educated that Abraham Lincoln rid himself of the GOP in 1864 AD in the year of our Lord for his UNION PARTY, which was led by DEMOCRATS. Yes democrats and the Union officers are what squeaked out the Lincoln victory in most of the United States not voting in 1864.

I realize as do the Mind Minders, that you are struggling with this, rejecting it, that you could not be manipulated in your American smartness, and that you will shove it back in rebellion and accept the narratives brainwashing you, but thsi is what the world is. a WGT world as Tarpley should not have revealed what he had been informed of, but every headline and every event is geared to bring about a nazi win in 2020.

I also promise you, that like the treacherous John Roberts, Brett Kavanaugh, Neil Gorsuch, that your GOP Congress is going to be passing things which Nancy Pelosi will rail against, but they will be all nazi policies.

As a sheep of the pen, it does amaze me the revelations which appear. They are genius, but they are things in being too occupied with being poor and working constantly I do not contemplate until they are revealed as, first there is not any point in wasting time predicting psychological operational details, when they will be revealed, and second, one does not ever want to be the intelligent sheep in the pen being noticed too much.

The example are these face masks. They are absolutely not any good for the public. Idiots contaminate themselves worse with them on in getting feces fingers in their faces. We have been told we need masks, that we don't need masks, and now democrats and Muslims agree we must all have masks, and that delights me for the forensic psychology.

A mask constricts breathing, providing low oxygen, so a person;s mind is not as sharp. They offer no protection and increase the risks of germs, because no on wears gloves and they always have their fingers and cell phones up to their faces. They give the feeling of false security to the Darwins who are old and wandering around lost in their lack of oxygen.
Constant use they produce a strangulation effect, a limiting of expression and liberty, as you have to conserve your air, and you are always uncomfortable sucking in your own snot air. Strangulation makes one passive for all those reasons, and psychologically lack of air breeds fright, reminds people of dangers in scaring them, and these masks do more psychologically than any 9 11 attack every could.
They are pure genius, and of course the Lansdale geniuses knew this all and more, and that is why they are implementing this strategy. Finish off the flock with masks where fluoride did not complete the job.

California Gov. Newsom Issues Statewide Order Requiring Masks in Public   theepochtimes 

London Mayor: Mandatory Masks Will Be The "New Normal" For At Least Another Year   zh    

People are giving up, throwing themselves to the coronavirus wolf pack and just accepting death. They cling to the President on display, as Joe Biden hides like a pussy in his basement, with Hillary Clinton ready with her black mask to sweep in, if she can get Kamala Harris' big ass out of the way.

Hamrod is more interseting, as she needs ethnic, but hates them. She will not allow a second woman on the ticket, and she could not handle Michelle Obama who is dumb as a post and would not cooperate. So that would leave Ms. Clinton with trying to find some kind of penis which did not have one eyebrow like that frankenstein from Virginia last time.

It is interesting, but none of that matters, as America is being fitted and trimmed for the Nazi state.

DACA was never going to be removed and John Bolton's book was written to herd the supporters home.

Supreme Court DACA Ruling: Trump Administration Loses   nro 
Justice Department's attempt to block John Bolton's tell-all book is DENIED    dailymail

None of this will go quietly into the night, but is designed to quiet you by wearing you out. The only way that would take place is if you get sucked into this circus menagerie and lock the door behind you, as you have been instructed to focus on Jesus as the people He removes, stay removed.

Everything you are experiencing is designed for the progression of what WGT stated was coming. You  already know the future, so there is not any sense in being manipulated by the present.

Nuff Said
