Sunday, June 21, 2020

The Dimwitted Reader

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Viking mentioned something in a letter in the first part of June, in my being annoying in telling people to figure things out as I was not saying. I wanted to address this again, not the hidden part, but what I try to not ever do in playing the "Bait Intellectual".

I have warned all of you in so many of the experts make themselves out to be genius, but anyone can appear intelligent if they know one simple thing, and that is the answers.
That sounds obvious and that something someone really intelligent would know, but most of these experts are ......put it this way, you could ask me to tell you about your day, and I would be clueless and stupid, because unless I analyzed your person like Sherlock Holmes to give a reasonable deductive guess, you would be the expert, because you have the answers.

See I have the answers on subjects here, which God gives me insights too, in recognizing things in stories and reading the matrix behind them. To start a conversation with TL I will query TL about something and get an answer, but I do not sit there dangling it on, as that would make TL appear to not have the answer, and there is not any way anyone could have the answer, because God gave me the insight. So I provide the information and we discuss it and I get TL's insights.

TL's old man is one of those bait boys. He made a point of becoming knowledgeable in the most worthless shit imaginable and then throw that into a conversation and bore people to death, and make them be polite in trying to reason with him. He was a big advocate in not having any  Faith in God of "witnesses and proof", which he overreached with, when the Bible teaches it is all BY FAITH.
He would have things like that which he reasoned out, when he was not playing child's games, or playing psychologist with women, where they were the ones playing him, and he never knew, and place himself in a position which made it appear he was intelligent, but he was just a bore in a small circle of people who fled his boredom.

So my intent is never to put the Viking or others into the position of making them think they do not have the answers, as no one does, except the ones God provides me. It is to make the rich people who think they are immune and safe from what is out there, to realize they are not all loved by God or protected by the police state, as trusting in gold gets you into hell.

Look it is an active world out there. I like the coffee shop farmers as they are all knowing, stubborn and you can tell them things, but they got it all figured out, like all these internet experts, and it takes awhile for you to be proven right, to checkmate their theories and then they start giving ground and let you do the talking as they sit in silence, except for a wise crack. The greatest parliaments in the world are rural coffee shops discussing the world. There are numbers of common sense geniuses out there who have this all figured out and none of them look like they could add two cow chips together and get a number.

I still have some people who try to find glitches in what appears here. I realize that telling teacher something is all they have in life, and I let it go when I am not in a mood. Otherwise they get taught and find a new way of reasoning things out, sometimes beyond the published facts, but how nuance works in chess.

I like the Microsoft Titans chess, and is all I play now. I play to relax, but have to take moves back, because I do not want to work as hard as Titans does in setting up a complete strategy of pieces guarding other moves and cutting me off. I enjoy watching the complexity of the game as it is programmed, but given time in reasoning, I think I run about 41% in wins and 18% in draws. That is a good enough average at the top level, but what chess teaches is IT IS ALWAYS POSITION.
You can be outnumbered, you can be equal strength, but unless you have position, you will be defeated. I marvel at some games where it seems I am 4 moves behind the computer and can never catch up, and in some games where I am moves ahead of the computer and it just rolls over.
It is always about having the answers.
Most people have second level thought, meaning you can bring up a subject, and they will hit with what they know, and when you point back, they have a weak point and quit. Few people have 3rd level insight to take the debate to where it is really a challenge. Liberals end up crying and calling you a racist after their first tantrum, while others will attempt to move to a new subject to outflank you and hide what they can not answer.

I have a cousin in Montana, who fancies himself a cowchip expert. Around here in the brier patch, you ask someone something and if they don't answer, you politely move on, and think what a son of a bitch he is. This time though my cousin was talking to a stud duck, and he asked the duck where he hunted. The guy gave a round about answer and my cousin said, :"I didn't ask that, I asked where do you hunt". He said it loud and in polite brier it took the duck by surprise and he came right into line and told him where he hunted, not that it mattered as the cousin was not going to be hunting there ever, as he has better things to shoot in Montana.

So now you should have some comfort and know some secrets. There are very few people in this world who are intellectuals though, like Stephen Cohen, the Russian expert. He is an intelligent man with the self assuredness to receive something said to him which surprises him, and roll with it with humor and say something back. Most are boring and pound your cranium for far too long, long after you stopped caring and started thinking about how much alcohol will make you forget your misery.

There are few things I will not share with you. The one the Viking asked about is one of those dangerous things, in things getting too close to revealing the people behind the curtain and those who are engaged in things who kept this bleating sheep alive, that regierungstreu is the intelligent and honorable thing, as I do not own the world, and do not have a stake in it, and it is not my vocation to make things difficult so those in power have to alter their plans.

Otherwise I bleat along about most things quite precise, and know some things get far too close, such as the riots having Obama's ghost all over them.

That is where this closes in a teaching lesson. Anyone can be a bore and appear to have all the answers, like George Noory's horrid guests, who are mentalists running scams on people who call in.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
