Friday, June 12, 2020

The Cure for Biological Weapons

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

There is a coming cure for the biological weapon, Coronavirus, and most of you reading this will be alive to actually hear of it, but in the upheaval of the events, there will not be a concise information flow, so it renders that you place these facts into your memories now, as fear is a great problem in overtaking people.

The cure for Coronavirus Wuhan is The B61shot. It is a nuclear vaccine which will administered in Eurasia, from Iran to the China. It was tested this year in the United States with absolute success, and it is with this that the Lame Cherry will provide you a stable platform of understanding in what is ahead.

There is war coming to this world over the Obama Intifada based in the Coronavirus. The United States under George W. Bush began preparing for this war in the rearming of the Dial A Nuke. For all of Obama's bowing to the world, his regime continued the Bush upgrades and after sabotage of a key part, the upgrade will be completed in 2022, but production for this enhanced nuclear bomb is already in full production.

The bomb is designed to be electronically capable to dial the payload up to 50 kilotons or down to several kilotons. While it is listed as a gravity bomb, as the original B 61 was just that, the new B 61 -12 is a jdam or a bomb with steering fins on it from Boeing.
It has been tested at 5 miles and at 300 yards, and the steering has performed perfectly.

The F 15E has now been certified as a combat weapon's platform for this close operation nuclear warhead, meaning this weapon is designed to incinerate and radiate troop concentrations and their support craft. If China lands on the beaches of Taiwan, their flotilla will be obliterated and their landing force will be vaporized by the B 61 12.

This is why Russia and China are concerned about this mass casualty weapon, because the computer in it, is a human pilot. All that is necessary is, to paint the target, release the warhead, and this dumb bomb will find the target in under 60 seconds from 5 miles up.

A mock version of the nuclear gravity bomb was dropped by the aircraft from an altitude of more than 25,000 feet at Sandia’s Tonopah Test Range in Nevada. The fake B61-12 remained in the air for approximately 55 seconds before it landed and embedded itself in a dried-out lakebed, “splashing a 40- to 50-foot puff of desert dust from the designated impact area,” according to the release. Another successful test was performed from an altitude of 1,000 feet.

This jdam bomb is in full production mode and is a universal platform. It can be placed on Stealth B 2 bombers and fired in mass at multiple targets or it can be placed as the payload for fighter aircraft for close combat support. This is a weapon of demoralization as when it is used, and the mushroom clouds appear, an enemy will stop thinking of fighting and those ignoring it will be shitting blood in a few days and stop fighting.

completion in fiscal 2022, when previous agency statements had set that target at March 2020. The source of the delay is likely an issue with an off-the-shelf part, which did not meet NNSA’s standards for parts on the weapon, that was discovered last summer and will result in time delays and cost hundreds of millions of dollars to replace.

B61-12 has focused on its price tag. Once full production commences in 2020, the program will cost more than $11 billion for about 400 to 480 bombs

The new version, the 12 is 125 pounds heavier than the original B 61. That is the Boeing component and that makes this most dangerous weapon in the world in any nuclear arsenal.

While everyone thinks bigger is better, it is the strategic use of this nuclear weapon which has Vladimir Putin already threatening the United States with nuclear retaliation with their "big stuff" if they or their allies are attacked.

The reality is, Russia is not going to respond with nuclear weapons when America uses them in Iran or China in response to nuclear terrorism. Russia in the B 61 - 12 scenario has a satanic number of large weapons, but they are worthless in fighting a nuclear war. Russia's weapons only have value as a first strike weapon.

The B61-12 is estimated to be 12 feet long and has a mass of 825 pounds.
The B61-12 is slated to be certified for the US Air Force’s B-2 strategic bomber, F-16 C/D fighter jet and F-35 Lightning II.

This is the gamesmanship of the B 61 - 12 and why it is being constructed. It is joining a host of tactical nuclear weapons which have focused on hitting the target. Under Ronald Reagan, the United States nuclear arsenal would average a 30% kill with it's nuclear arsenal against an enemies nuclear silos. The kill rate today is 90% and the jdam nuclear warhead is increasing the kill ratio.

What this all comes down to is, large nuclear weapons has to be that large, because they were inaccurate. The tactical small nuclear weapons are accurate so they can be engineered small.
What once was an accuracy of 200 yards is now down to 30 feet. This may not sound like anything which explodes as large as a nuclear bomb, but you are still thinking big. A small nuclear bomb is bigger than any conventional weapon by a thousand fold. Yet a small nuclear bomb can be laid within feet of targets limiting collateral damage.

Indeed, according to Kristensen, existing U.S. nuclear bombs have circular error probabilities (CEP) of between 110-170 meters. The B61-12’s CEP is just 30 meters.

The collateral damage might not seem to fit as this is nuclear warfare, but it is explained in real terms, that when the United States strikes China's nuclear silos, with high yield weapons, it would kill 4 million Chinese. With low yield, it would kill under 1000 Chinese.

It is once again the "push the button response", in will China risk a massive US high yield retaliation if it only has 700 dead? The United States would have the moral high ground as it was targeting nuclear weapons, and not people as in Hiroshima.
There is the added dynamic that keeping millions of Chinese alive produces a riot problem for the PLA. A starving and rioting population is a 5th column for the United States.

In practical terms, all this means that the more accurate the bomb, the lower the yield that is needed to destroy any specific target. A lower-yield and more accurate bomb can therefore be used without having to fear the mass, indiscriminate killing of civilians through explosive force or radioactive fallout.
Lieber and Press have documented this nicely. Indeed, using a Pentagon computer model, they estimated that a U.S. counterforce strike against China’s ICBM silos using high-yield weapons detonated at ground blast would still kill anywhere between 3-4 million people. Using low-yield weapons and airbursts, this figure drops to as little as 700 fatalities!

This is why the B 61 - 12 is the ultimate weapon against Eurasia. A half dozen stops any landing zone in the Pacific for China or Russia. This is well known, and it is certain as when President Richard Nixon warned China to stop it's war with India, or America would nuke them, that China is fully aware that American dial a yield nuclear weapons will be used as a defense against invasion.
Dial a nukes transcend to a battle field from Korea, to Japan, to Taiwan to the Indochina, a limited nuclear pollution where American forces can than land, establish order and go on the offensive under the grand high yield nuclear umbrella.

The B 61 is designed to leave a bad taste in the psyche of enemy combat troops. It will castrate armies and take the fight out of them. China has numbers, but the B 61 tactical warheads defeat Chinese numbers of troops. This is the Chinese flyswatter in the Pacific and in the Khyber. It is the ultimate weapon if China attempts to land in Alaska, as America would bomb it's own shores, killing the invaders.

Nuclear warfare is the only remedy for the opening of Pandora's Box in the biological weapon of Coronavirus Wuhan. Nations are already studying this virus and looking to creating their own splicing and hybrids to use their version of this biological weapon. The clock is ticking and whether it is Covid 20 or a nuclear terrorist attack, the only way to put the gen back into the bottle is nuclear pollution to pull the teeth from the infrastructure of a biological weapon's lab support.

China realizes the death toll has sounded as much as Russia, as much as the globalists of the Obama orbit. They will have to spread the American Intifada, before they die by their own people.

You now know for the future when you hear of strikes, what is taking place and why. What the warheads look like, how they were deployed and what their effect was in pulling the fangs of the enemy.

The globalists would prefer to use these weapons upon Americans in their states of rural security, but this weapon is designed for the hordes of Asia, in this is an Asian theater weapon, even if 30 are deployed in Germany as the way to slow a Russian invasion at the Prague bottleneck.

I do not believe that America will use the B 61 12 in Europe to stop Russia. They will instead deploy the hybrid green witch's brew. That though is a different time line than what is spoken of here.

This though once again, is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
