Friday, June 12, 2020

The Flaps Better Get It Right

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

 The United States military due to the choice of President Donald Trump, has placed into command of the United States Air Force, General CQ Brown, as the much touted "first African American" to hold such position.

The Lame Cherry has only one criteria in this, and that is the President, the Congress, had better have gotten this right, as war is coming with China and probably Russia, and with SecDef Esper, being woke to the Obama Intifada terrorists in not wanting to protect the President, zero confirmed leadership in the Pentagon, and the SecDef getting a stiffy over war with China, all of thee above have better have gotten this right with this flap, because the United States is not going to have a second chance to have another learning in progress Colin Powell blundering his way through the ranks.

The President nominated this flap (Flap is a civilian term for Air Force personnel in mocking these oversexed, head up their ass, asstards stationed in their communities) for his 2020 re election, but there is more at stake than an election, and I doubt the Afroid will be voting for Trump, just because he nominated an Affirmative Action coon who appeared in officer's clothes because the very ex presidents who loathe Donald Trump in Carter, Bush41, Clinton, Bush43 and Obama fast tracked this flap.

It’s Official: Gen. CQ Brown Confirmed as 1st African American Military Service Chief

The 130 combat hours leader of the Air Force, 22 sorties, a tourist in air combat of various "combat aircraft", is what Flap Brown's resume reads. What reads worse is his political postings on Facebook, which got him a 98 - 0 confirmation in the Senate. Flap Brown can only see race in the death of George Floyd, when Derek Chauvin never once uttered the word "nigger".
For Flap Brown, he didn't give a damn that cities were burning and destroyed, cities with innocent people in them. He didn't care that Obama put Blacks into this position, nor did he like Dennis Rodman tell Blacks to stop looting as they were not animals.

Instead Flap Brown was focused on "representin'", because in his own words, his supervisors judged him and all Afroids incompetent pilots and they did not measure up to other races. That is a damning statement coming from the past 40 years of combat pilots who headed the United States Air Force, from Vietnam to Gulf War II, and those officers were looking at the same Colin Powell Purple Heart by being stupid to step on a pointy stick in Vietnam, on a combat patrol, so he could notch that mark on his service record.

130 combat hours is NOTHING and this is the flap the Air Force promoted and continued to promote into the prestigous Pacific Command and now he is in charge of the entire United States Air Force Defense.

Flap Brown is Bi Polar Military in living in two worlds, instead of the America world where his focus is on airmen who have not woke to social justice.

There is only one thing that the United States needs from airmen, and that is for them to kill, kill, kill every goddamn enemy out there and blowing off every fucking head, blasting out piles of guts and nuclear incineration of cities, of Asians, Africans, Europeans, South Americans, Canadians or any other two legged contender out there that gets in the way of the United States, and the United States want these flaps to laugh about it as they paint kill flags on their cockpits and write, STICK THIS UP YOUR ASS PUTIN on every bomb.

America does not need a goddamn social justice warrior, worried about racism and what a goddamn enemy's feelings are!

"I'm thinking about how full I am with emotion, not just for George Floyd, but the many African Americans that have suffered the same fate as George Floyd," he said in a passionate video posted on social media.

"I'm thinking about having to represent by working twice as hard to prove [that my supervisors'] perceptions and expectations of African Americans were invalid. I'm thinking about the airmen who don't have a life similar to mine, and don't have to navigate through two worlds. I'm thinking about how these airmen see racism, where they don't see it as a problem because it doesn't happen to them, or whether they're empathetic."

"I want to know what you're thinking about. "I want to hear what you're thinking about, and how together, we can make a difference."

General Normal Schwartkopf, a democrat, started this touchy feely shit when he went through his commands. It is one thing to be Uncle Norman, but you better be a goddamn blood dripping T Rex warrior ejaculating Patton death on the battlefield. There simply is not any voice of that in Flap Brown.

So if you are thrilled to leg tingling with Flap Brown, here is a list of the other Bush, Clinton and Obama promotions the Air Force has been presenting the nipple to, to suckle them to leadership. These flaps better get this right, because the United States if facing a China which launched a submarine cruise missile off of California under Obama to make a point and Obama bowed to it. The United States is facing a China which created a biological first strike weapon to use this year in America. The United States is facing a Russia which is maneuvering China to take the brunt of the war while Russia takes the spoils.

When you read about this Flap Brown social justice warrior and these other goddamn flaps being promoted, do you think their first and last thought is how to obliterate entire nations to save America or they suck ass whining about porn star George Floyd who was part of a liberal money laundering operation in crooked Minneapolis?

  • Lt. Gen. Kenneth Wilsbach was nominated for his fourth star and to replace Brown as the next Pacific Air Forces commander. Wilsbach is currently commander of the 7th Air Force and deputy commander of U.S. Forces Korea.
  • Lt. Gen. Mark Kelly, the Air Force's deputy chief of staff for operations at the Pentagon, has been nominated to pin on his fourth star and become head of Air Combat Command at Joint Base Langley-Eustis, Virginia, replacing Gen. Mike Holmes, who's set to retire.
  • Lt. Gen. Jacqueline Van Ovost, also submitted to pin on her fourth star, has been nominated to become commander of Air Mobility Command. Van Ovost is currently AMC's deputy commander at Scott Air Force Base in Illinois. She would replace Gen. Maryanne Miller, who assumed the position in 2018.
  • The head of U.S. Air Forces Central Command, Lt. Gen. Joseph Guastella Jr., was confirmed to be the next deputy chief of staff for operations at the Pentagon by a voice vote in the Senate in May.
  • Maj. Gen. Gregory Guillot, director of operations for U.S. Northern Command, would receive his third star and, if confirmed, will replace Guastella, according to an officer promotion announcement made in May.
  • The Defense Department also announced in May that Maj. Gen. Michael Loh, Colorado's adjutant general, has been nominated for a third star and to become the director of the Air National Guard, taking over for Lt. Gen. L. Scott Rice.

What I expect with this flap, is that piles of Americans are going to die, in this country as the war comes to America this time in volume. and this fumducker who looks as vacuous as his social justice warrior posts, is now at the head of a primarily Caucasian, college educated group of men, with real engineering degrees, and more that tourist combat hours, and when the shit hits the fan, they are going to be wondering what the hell are they dying for in Flap Brown.

The Russians and Chinese see this flap and they know, they know they would never appoint anything like this to carry war to America to slaughter millions of those goddamn Americans.

Nuff Said
