As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
A story which is not adding up, happened in Mike Pence's backyard, it is the story of white girl, who apparently was married to a white guy, had a kid, and then hooked up with a beaner, and for some reason, they were out confronting the Obama Intifada in Indianapolis Indiana.
In a shocking crime largely ignored by the national media, a 24-year old mother was shot to death to Indianapolis following an exchange with a mob of Black Lives Matter protestors. Jessica Doty Whitaker was shot and killed along a municipal canal after an altercation with protestors.
According to reporting Fox 59, Whitaker’s family is describing that their daughter was savagely murdered for little more than telling some of the “protestors” that “all lives matter.”
What took place was confrontation over the ALL LIVES MATTER response, and guns were drawn on both sides, but the Blacks were not prepared for a Mexican Stand Off and backed down, where they crossed a bridge, and what makes little sense, the Mexican led this girl back under the bridge the terrorists had just crossed.
After the mob crossed a bridge to the other side of the canal, a man opened fire on Whitaker. Her fiance drew his own weapon and fired back, but the crowd quickly dispersed. Indianapolis Police are actively investigating the incident, but no arrests have been made in the death of Whitaker yet.
The father and grandfather provide details in the escalation and the reality it was several Afroid suspects. The Lame Cherry though is going to take you through this as to what does not make sense.
Robert Doty, the victim's father told the Pundit the supporters of Black Lives Matter had walked by her and her fiancé and said "Black Lives Matter," to which Jessica responded that "All Lives Matter."
Weapons were pulled by both sides during their initial dispute.
"An argument started and guns came out, but they worked things out. Unfortunately, they didn't drop it and waited for them to walk back through and she was shot in the head," Robert Doty explained.
OK this is Black Lives Matter from Obama. The FBI has monitors paid and embedded in all of these groups in every state. We are apparently speaking of pistols. I will conclude they were 9 mm's, which is a small handgun and what the Afroid chooses.
All of us have been under a bridge, and you know it is quite high. Most of you have never fired a handgun in your lives, but handguns are hard to hit with at any distance, and yet the Obama terrorist in this, blasted a hole into a cantaloupe sized object at 15 to 35 feet which was moving. The shot was straight down, but that is still not an easy shot for anyone. Yet again, it was a perfect head shot.
Ramirez told WTHR-TV, "I was actually holding her when it happened. She just fell. I turned around, and I opened fire too. But that's just a reaction. I didn't see nobody. I didn't hopefully I didn't hit nobody."
Now was this a scratch shot in the Afroid was aiming at the Mexican and hit the girl, or was this a deadly accurate shot as if someone had trained this person to shoot?
One shot.
The Nigger never fires one shot. They empty clips like their balls eject semen.
The media is not covering this story. The media is not covering this story in details as to what type of weapon, caliber and distance. You will remember when that soyboy burned up a police cruiser that Pennsylvania had undercover officers monitoring. A major city in America, a mob which has firearms, and there are not any Indianapolis cops monitoring this situation?
Things are not adding up in the national media silence in this. It is once again almost like the FBI once again called in the cards and told the media to not cover this. This is Mike Pence's backyard, and not one story about it.
You should know what the hell this looks like. This looks like some law enforcement agency had an OH SHIT moment again, in one of their paid trolls, opened fire on people in Indiana. This looks like a trained person and this looks like that one shot was meant to kill this one woman.
Now the question is, as we are looking for Negroids, is there a chance someone hired a coon to off this woman, or is there the reality yet that a paid government troll popped someone, with the intent of starting a Pence problem, as they have for Donald Trump.
What better way to have an issue tied to Mike Pence if he replaces Trump, than this little story which makes no sense.
Whatever is going on here, I can promise you, if this little white girl, had been a good Protestant girl, and kept her legs shut, and only married a white Christian who would treat her right, that she would not be on the arm of some beaner, confronting goddamn coons on the streets with a gun.
Where this woman should have been was HOME taking are of her 3 year old which she has dumped on society, as it appears she traded in white for tanskin.
You really can't get shot by Niggers if you are a good Protestant girl at home in bed at night.
There is not any way that the shooter is not known and that a cover up has taken place. That indicates police state involvement in this Quadroon Lives Matter bullshit funded by Soros and coordinated by image Obama.
You may not be surprised how many of these BLM are in federal safe houses at this moment as a fake search goes on to find them.
Nuff Said