Thursday, July 16, 2020

You can't abort Babies to kill Coronavirus

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry is most pleased to announce that those non donating British bastards of Astra Zeneka and the dead baby serums of Moderna are having huge failures in their Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci "Cure for Coronavirus".

Following trial results released yesterday showing Moderna's vaccine candidate might not be safe for human consumption - apparently, the candidate caused "adverse" reactions in roughly 50% of patients who participated in a recent study - the dozens of companies, universities and governments working on COVID-19 vaccine candidates just received another piece of disheartening news: A growing body of evidence gleaned from research into the virus suggests that antibodies may not offer protection for more than 2-3 months, for many people.
Now, a study produced by researchers at King’s College London is showing recovered patients antibodies declined significantly within months of infection, raising the critical question of whether a vaccine could ever provide lasting protection. Moderna's vaccine candidate has shown the capacity to produce antibodies in test subjects, but it's still unclear exactly how much protection this might provide.

The horrific failures of Moderna and Astra keep being revealed, in Moderna has made people deathly ill, and Astra tells people, "Keep a stiff upper lip as you will get the plague anyway, but still get our shot".

What has shown promise are the Germans in their vaccine, which is close to a real vaccine and not an injection. What makes the Germans, along with Pfizer different is the tested a number of strains of vaccines, and happened upon one which showed incredible results in only requiring 10 mcgs to provide immunity to people. Moderna injects 100 mcgs, but the problem with all of this is, this biological weapon has a self destruct feature in it, in the body's immunity is not more than a few months, meaning people sick can catch this plague again. That is a bio weapon.

While there is good news that T cell immunity based on the Delta gene of Israelites, have numbers of people withstanding this virus like the Black Death.

What the Lame Cherry is preparing you for is this, and I stated it in the above exclusive in the Germans 128 days our are providing booters, like tetanus vaccines and other childhood boosters are given. In order to stop this virus, it will require an initial exposure and then boosters in a few months. The time frame seems to be 28 days to immunity, then 128 days in a series of boosters or the booster administered. In other words, a person has about 4 months immunity, and then a booster would provide 8 months. That probably would by injecting the military, teachers, medical staff, government employees, college students and foreign trash the necessary numbers of a barrier, in the virus could not keep going without viable hosts.

The S strain is not that lethal and what is criminal is, Texas was reporting 3 month old CDC deaths in that state, and Florida was reporting everyone was sick when that was not the case. This virus required a great deal of deliberate spread to get it hot in the United States, liked dumping carriers into geezer homes. It still requires deliberate spread to spike it for this summer wave. With what the Germans and Pfizer are in Phase 3 testing proves effective, this will be the end of Coronavirus on a non deliberate spreading population.

Moderna overloads the human body and almost kills it with dead baby cells. Astra is like a bullet proof vest where you still end up with bullets in your body.

Just remember, once again, it was the Germans who are saving the world.

Nuff Said

