Monday, July 20, 2020

A Man who takes on ANTIFA

Applause again, but then Guido Reil strikes an unexpected tone: He is not afraid of Antifa or the Lebanese, but of disappointing people.

He was only a supporting member of the AfD, had a family and went to work. "I'm nothing but a straight guy with a big mouth. And I'm a member of the council in Essen. Nothing else at all. "However, the audience no longer received it, instead calls were made like:" You speak the language of the people. We want to hear that! "

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry is featuring someone, a German politician, who I would love to interview for this site, because what caught my attention, is this is someone like most of you, in he was a member of the ruling Social Democrats, but he simply had enough and change to AfD, as they let him speak, and Guido Reil talks. Lord God does this man talk, for two hours, without comma or period, he will talk and bring to politics the most common sense that most Americans would crave is spoken here.

I desire you to read his statements and see how globalism is raping Germany, just as it is raping the United States by the 1%. Herr Reil is smeared as Donald Trump is smeared, but he keeps on talking and making sense.

This is a most common uncommon man. A coal miner, member of city council who is currently an alternative member of the European Parliament, and he rose to acclaim by the German People, simply because he talked and kept on talking.

The following is an excerpt from one of his talks.

By undesirable developments he means the "broken infrastructure" and the "influx of people who do not work." Guido Reil quickly makes it clear that he does not mean the first generations of Turkish guest workers: "They also malo." He does just as quickly but it is also clear who he means: “In Gelsenkirchen, entire parts of the city have tipped over, only due to the influx of gypsies. The Turks didn't want that anymore either and moved away. These are things you see every day. And the people who go to work and make everything just grab their heads. I have been wondering where the social democratic outcry goes. But the SPD has lost all contact with its base. "

“And now a million such men are being released on us.” With that Guido Reil arrived in September 2015. He talks about how stunned he was when suddenly all the funds were available that had not been available in previous years. And what irritated reactions he experienced in the city council just because he wanted to know what the measures cost. "You don't want to talk about money when it comes to people," he was answered. Guido Reil stays on the subject of refugees for longer, criticizing several times that "they get a flat rate of coal".

In a moment he talks with an almost politically correct vocabulary that "that cannot work, they are people from another cultural area who do not speak our language and have to be trained first". The next moment he provocatively takes it back to the top: “Ms. Merkel always says that they later pay our pension. That could work, but only if we create a pension system that also includes drug dealers, robbers and pimps. "Now the police are upgrading to be prepared," if everyone gets angry. And we have to make fun of them so that they don't all get angry. ”For him, the main problem is that the asylum seekers systematically experience that nothing has consequences for them.

However, he does not understand the media fuss about his person: “I am real. They don't know that. It's that simple. What is wrong with our society when a guy like me triggers a response? ”

Guido Reil keeps on going when he suddenly speaks of the fact that questions can also be asked to make his talk “even more alive”, some listeners laugh. A woman shouts: "You can't get any more lively than that!" Reil goes on, next he talks about the US election campaign, about finding Donald Trump "really weird", "but the other was a witch". And with that, the Americans had only "the choice between plague and cholera". But the US election would also have shown that "the population is rebelling against the elites". That would now become normal in the West, only in Germany would it "react with the Nazi club".

You see the problems of America are the problems of Germany. They are the same peoples and the same peoples who are under siege.
The most inspirational man in Germany is the man unafraid of politics.
