Monday, July 20, 2020

Whoa oh here she comes....

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I really do not know what women saw in William Holden. Then again what the hell was Fred Astair, as he looked like a damned alien escaped from Area 51 and Frank Sinatra looked like the crossbreed scientist who mated with  Astair's spawn pile.

It was one thing that William Holden said which gave me pause, as I first experienced him in the Wild Bunch, and he was hard as nails in that movie.

When John Kennedy was busy stealing the 1960 election, Holden stated that the young president ought to send him a thank you note, for training Jackie Bouvier in the bedroom. The gist of it was that Holden had turned her into a real cocksucker, as what the hell else were women doing in those days. It was not like they were mounting bareback and rolling their hips to hit the G spot.

For all of that, William Holden must not have been a very good teacher of women in the wiles of cocksucking, because Jack Kennedy couldn't find enough vaginal openings to stick his cock into. Seems all wasted as Angie Dickinson, one of the favorites of mine, once said of Jack Kennedy that it was the best 20 seconds of her life.

Even Jackie said Jack was a wam bam, it's nap time mam, when it came to bedding women. So the allure of William Holden and the conservative males he was friends with was long stroke time over long periods of time. Put it this way, it was reported his friend Ronald Reagan once told a woman, she needed to get checked out by a doctor as he had been putting the wood to here for 40 minutes and she had not cum.
Yes Ronald Reagan was a long distance man and William Holden kept a woman's toes at the ceiling till their legs went asleep. All those young women like Grace Kelly, Audrey Hepburn, were really put through their paces, graduated Magna Cum Loudly, but when it came to the Kennedy's they just were like a ride over the railroad tracks, it was rough, it startled you, and when it was over, you just kind of were glad it was over.

Probably why Jackie married that Onassis. He probably admired a good cocksucker and had it on authority that William Holden trained them right.
