Monday, July 20, 2020

The Cures for Cancers

Dr. Ralph Moss

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The disclaimer is, I do not have any stake in this, and only offer this to help as this concerns cancer.

Dr. Ralph Moss, has been exposing the Big Pharma scam with Wall Street in suppressing cures and treatments of cancers which do work. He is not a "smoothy potion" salesman, but comes to this with a holistic approach of nutrition, supplements and yes medical cancer treatments combined, as they do go hand in hand.

My personal judgment is cancer is a virus, but a symbiotic virus which is hosted by a bacteria. The bacteria creates the acidic soup which cancer feeds and lives on sugars. Sugar is an acid, so cancer is a great deal like maggots in they eat what is good, but produce an offal that continues their spread.
For those who have followed this blog, the biological weapon, Coronavirus Mirror is like a cancer in what was spliced into it was corkscrew bacteria, TB and HIV, and the body does not recognize the virus and succumbs to the bioweapon.
So the cancers which have been injected into Americans, from primates and other money making opportunities are bioweapons for Bill Gates population control and profits.

Dr. Moss is a prostate cancer survivor. He says things like Sloane Kettering was curing people with a treatment successful to 1963 until the FDA outlawed the treatment. He was told the biggest cancer breakthroughs in medicine are the black list of treatments banned by the FDA.

He has a free e book, which I just downloaded and have not read. I provide the download link, where you give a trash email address which people have, and you get the link to download this e book. If you are rich, as I know how this goes in rich assholes getting things for free, buy the paperback book as supporting someone who is at least providing some information like the above should be worth your life. But you made your millions swindling people and left me for dead, so I know the choice you will make and be stealing from Dr. Moss too.

I have to go do things now that I don't want to do.

E Book Link
