Monday, July 27, 2020

Steve Mnuchkin: The Right To MAKE YOU HOMELESS WAGE

Ich bin Dr. Mnuchin Liebe und so habe ich gelernt, die Pest zu lieben.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

 The Russian Jew, Steve Mnuchkin, in charge of looting the US Treasury for Goldman Sachs in Wall Street  tax breaks, not fulfilling Donald Trump's MAGA in having no one earning under 50,000 dollars pay income taxes, and as Plague Economics handing out trillions of dollars in US Debt, has gone on the record in favor of thee American Worker, who must have the right to earn below poverty class, so that they can work themselves into being homeless. or the grave, as Mnuchkin forces Americans out to plague jobs, because they are receiving too much unemployment pay AT POVERTY LEVEL, than working for Homeless Level Income.

Treasury Secretary says 'you shouldn't be paid more to stay home than to work'   justthenews

Honestly, the Lame Cherry praises Secretary Mnuchkin for advocating for homeless wages, and forcing Americans into Coronavirus Coffins as there is just not enough money for the 1% and the 99% in this world, so it obviously should go to the 1%, as thee American Worker would only use money for extravagances like food, shelter and fuel, to get to a forced labor job to work yourself or plague yourself to death.

Perhaps Steve Mnuchkin, the Russian Jew, is trying to get Donald Trump defeated, or perhaps he just dresses up as a Nazi with le femme Swastika panties at night to salute his blonde bim wife, as Steve always liked that SS Gestapo forced labor camp approach to economics, as that is what he and Goldman Sachs have enslaved Americans with, or perhaps the reason he likes sending American workers to their deaths, is because they are not Jews, as Jews always have the high wage jobs, but the fact is, the reason American workers have shit jobs which pay nothing is due to Steve Mnuchkin and his 1%.

See this all started when the 1% noticed there were too many Niggers. Niggers have a place, in they suck Obama gay cock, they sell dope and they entertain for Jewish media moguls. They make nice profits and when you launder in welfare billions, Wall Street does ok, but Wall Street always wants a better profit curve, so they decided to abort the Niggers via Planned Parenthood, and exploiting their natural filth for AMA disease profits.
The dead Niggers did not breed, nor work, so the 1% brought in Mexican, Chinaman, Muslim and Indian reduced labor wages to oust Americans, and shipped the rest of the jobs overseas to Asia. Then they refused to hire Americans, because "Americans would not do those jobs or talk Mexican".

In the meantime Wall Street produced a nationwide Real Estate spike. It was easy as big money retirees getting out of New York, New Jersey and California, flooded the Northwest, then the Southwest, then Florida, then everything from Colorado, Missouri, the Dakotas, where wages are low for White Ameircans, and suddenly their homes went from 12,000 to 250,000 dollars and no one could afford a home anymore..........but the Mexicans can, because they have industry housing and don't have to pay work taxes. But the Indians can, because they have the high tech jobs. But the Muslims can, because they launder in, like the Chinese, illegal profits into Wall Street through their business fronts.
This is thee American economy.

This all wiped out the Middle Class the scoundrels behind it were named George Bush I and II, Bill Clinton and Barack Hussein Obama.

Americans were impoverished and criminalized all in one decade due to the debt currency market which traded on foreign slave labor to displace Americans, and the biggest targets were the Niggers and the Crackers.

......and Steve Mnuchkin knows all of this, including how Russian money via the Jews was laundered into America by Russian nuclear deals like Uranium One.

Yet the Secretary of the Treasury can not bring himself to share the 30 pieces of silver from Shylock Wall Street for the pounds of American flesh he knows. After all, the goy will be dead, and these tanskins are ready to take thee American's place, so why waste money on Americans, as it is better to just force thee Americans out to the hot gas ovens of the camp.........and do the Nazi's one better as there is not a need for expensive Zyklon gas, instead one Coronavirus replicates and takes over nations, as the plague si the cost effective remedy the Nazi's never dreamed of using.

But it devolves even better in Steve Mnuchkin is busy writing out checks to his Vaccine Conglomerates, making his cronies more billions, in forced vaccinations of Americans, in they will soon have a new choice of not working or catching the plague, but of being injected or starving to death. I would bet that Steven Mnuchkin must have to change his panties several times a night when he goosesteps to orgasm over Coronavirus forced labor in the plague is the cost effective Zyklon gas.

If foreign slave labor was not impressing Americans into service, Americans would in this police state, be earning a living wage, like Adolf Hitler provided all Germans in his rule. But America does not have an Albert Speer to pay them living wages, America instead only has Steve Mnuchkin paying Americans a death wage and bitching about it, in this 2020 election year.

The Lame Cherry says the 1% should not be paid more than thee American in forced labor at a plague job.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
