Sunday, July 19, 2020

Pinging the Primates with Coronavirus Vaccines

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Last year in praise of Chancellor Sebastian Kurz of Austria, while leader of Europe, this Lame Cherry explained the future. The future of a world without America in it, a world where it was new Asian technicrats, a world of  new Roman Empire, and  a world of 2 billion Africans whose purpose in this is to be the abacus, or the wetware means of commerce. An African's purpose is to be a digital account, in which each month a Negroid is deposited into an electronic account a "living wage". The wage is paid in the way the old British Hudson Bay enslaved aboriginals in Canada with credit for furs promised to be trapped.
The furs of Africa are raw resources, which robotics will mine,  with Asia doing the dirty work, and Europe doing the balance of  trade. These wetware Niggers will be charged for living, in the goods they take from Europe, and the balance sheet will be the raw resources which Africa will provide by each nation.
It is the old feudal system of America produced the cheap raw goods for England, which then manufactured them into finished goods, and sold them back to Americans to create a debtor nation always in the control of the crown.

In this coming order, Sebastian Kurz did not have the network, so he turned to globalist Bill Gates, who gladly smelled fresh blood to crop primate wetware, and voila, what this blog reported over a year ago, is now manifesting, exactly as the Lame Cherry predicted.

Gates-backed Testing Will Begin In Africa (What a surprise)
For The New Biometric ID, 'Vaccine Records' & New Digital
'Payment Systems'

This is coming to you. I suspect that Coronavirus vaccine will have tracking data in it. That mRNA protein mutation is going to forever change every person injected's DNA. Every time a blood sample is drawn, it will flag. I have a suspicion that the new 5 G which vibrates on skin contact, will become a skin reader. The 5G with the "vaccine" will be able to ping every person who receives it. I also suspect that this vaccine will be designed as a spreader, meaning everything from sex to sweat will spread the mRNA.

This is the new commerce. You were alerted to this over a year ago. It is the order.

Once again another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
