As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Look I would like nothing better than Donald Trump of the DIA to win such a landslide victory in November, that the Nazis' behind him, would allow the frauds in the GOP to be forced to MAGA in every form and the President could be a proper tyrant like Abraham Lincoln, and that reality is there as Joe Biden, leading the Obama communist party in America, could only summon 19 mentally challenged to tune into his latest live stream.
For the record, this was 19 CIA propandists who are paid to shadow Biden, so no one in America cared what this senile old pervert was rambling on about, as Biden produces nothing anyone wants to vote for.
Presidential hopeful and former vice president Joe Biden showed himself yesterday in a live streaming video. We cannot say he finally came out of his basement, because, well, he was on the video call in his basement. Twitter and social media platforms only started buzzing once it was realized just how little attention the live stream video actually received. Photos went viral of screenshots showing that only 19 people were watching the live stream 26 whole minutes into it.
What is worse is, Joe Biden is degrading by the day now. His thoughts are all jumbled in this mind. He produces fantasy, from the time he suffered brain damage, and related that "nurses were blowing up his nose to make him respond".
There is absolutely no medical treatment which calls for medical staff to blow up people's noses to make them move. Honestly in veterinarian training, animals like calves which are almost dead when born, a vet will stick his fingers up their nose to make them respond as it hurts, but that is not a human whose brain just exploded with an aneurysm.
Biden did not go into details if the nurse was using a straw or clamped her mouth over his nose and exhaled, as it is all so ludicrous that it simply is not true. The fact is, there are EMT breathing incubators which do exist, so it is that which a nurse would utilize and not them blowing up Biden's nose if it actually did happen.
This next Biden gaffe is almost impossible to understand or attempt to explain. “I had a nurse at, nurses at Walter Reed hospital who would bend down and whisper in my ear ‘go home and get me pillows.’ They would make sure they’d, actually, probably nothing ever taught in uh, you can’t do it in the COVID time, but they’d actually breathe in my nostrils to make me move, to get me moving.” Just another thing COVID has ruined; nurses must really miss breathing in patients’ nostrils.
It is simply painful to watch this old man. It would be sad if he was in a geezer home, but it is recoil inducing to realize that Biden is the DNC nominee and is running for President. We all know that this man is not all there. Every time he broadcasts from his basement, something bizarre happens. The problem is that this should be a high view event to see this old man once again go Crazy Uncle, but people do not want to watch Joe Biden, as it is like watching a worm squirm out of the soil.
There will not be a DNC convention. Biden is already 25th Amendment incapacitated. It comes down to the Clinton and Obama pedophiles to make their move and remove Joe Biden, which is the only thing which will keep the Trump landslide from taking place, well there are numerous other ways of the 1%, but when you could get more than 19 people to watch a stripping Grandma, Joe Biden is beyond having the fork stuck in. Joe Biden is finished, in he is the worst candidate in American history.
The Democratic party will indeed cease to exist if Joe Biden runs in November.
Nuff Said