“They handcuff you, they drug you, they put you on the bed, and they separate you from everyone you know. When you’re in this state, you’re hyper-paranoid about everything. Everyone — this is my experience, other people have different experiences — everyone now is an actor. Everything’s a conspiracy. You feel the government is putting chips in your head. You feel you’re being recorded. You feel all these things.”
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
As readers here know. The Lame Cherry was the source which saved the Batman franchise from Ben Affleck, and rose the greatest actor of all time, Joaquin Phoenix to stardom, in this epic time of speaking out for racial equality.
The Lame Cherry has addressed the grave concerns I have for Kayne West, the rise Black Messiah, a true voice of American Black Experience, yes ABE, which Barack Hussein Obama could never speak to, nor understand. Birther Hussein is no Cornell West or Tavis Smiley, both notable gentlemen who Obama has attacked mercilessly.
It is with great concern that the Lame Cherry now speaks of the Black Messiah, Kayne West, as he has taken to Twitter to voice his Kardashian Manifesto, in how corrupt these Jezebels are.
Poor Bruce Jenner cut off his testicles after being exposed to Mother Kardashian, who buried her husband Bob, defender OJ Simpson, and the alarming rate of all that cutting, none of us want to see Kayne West visited by the curse of castration of the Black Man who has gotten to uppity.
All of us can agree that Kim Kardashian is one of the most alluring and seductive of women, a temptress who has tempted all sorts of Black men, while depriving other races of their Delilah intercourse. None of us though can deny that Kayne West is one of the most profound and prophetic of men, a prototype of the 21st century Black American.

Kanye West has been dropping all kinds of truth bombs regarding his wife Kim Kardashian, her mother Kris Jenner, and the entire system surrounding them. And, judging by the severity of his accusations, it appears that West is desperately trying to leave Kim Kardashian and distance himself from her family.
The Lame Cherry has never been donated to by Kayne West, so none of this defense of the Black Messiah is monetary. This is about the greatness of Kayne West, Sanson who has had his locks cut by a Delilah, when his true destiny has always been with the one woman meant to be Mrs. Kayne West, in Taylor Swift.

We all know Taylor Swift has been held back in her true stardom. The poor girl deprived of real manhood has surrounded herself with cats, when the real big black cat of Kayne West has always been ready to make her purr.
Kayne has need of his own underground railroad as he is the Frederick Douglas of his emancipation proclamation against the Kardashian slavery on their plantation. Surely Taylor Swift has some semblance of womanhood in her, which she can reach down to, as she has sojourned in Sodom and Gomorrah with her rallying for sexual deviance and baby butchering.
There stands Kayne, wonderful father and proven procreator, ready to provide Taylor with all of her fulfillment if she would just reach out in this time of need and become the Union of one couple under God, indivisible with love and equality for all.
The Black Messiah is in the greatest danger since Jesus the Messiah was hauled before the Sanhedrin. Let us all support Kayne West
The Lame Cherry supports this Black wonder of Kayne West. May the words of Martin King ring true for Kayne West, to be free at last, free at last, thank God Almighty, free at last.
Nuff Said