Sunday, July 26, 2020

Living it alone

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I just sighed in typing on this keyboard, because in reading of the Viking's life, I have bitten my tongue a half dozen times and should know better than sounding off on this newest feature, but I wonder where the Snapping Turtle is in this.

The Babygirl has a promise ring and necklace from some African kid, alleged Christian family attending her high school, which is also mostly populated by white guys who are represented by the type who golf at the current National tournament taking place in Blaine, MN, concluding today, just down the road from we here in Brooklyn Park. She has just not taken to that type of white guy. Don’t know that I can blame her, as I’d guess, not having attended daily classes at this particular NW Hennepin Cty HS, but did not like the same type of guy myself back in my Southwest Indians experience culminating in 1970 AD, in The Year of Our Lord, that that may have been the impression they’d left on her; too cavalier, and fucking asshole jocks. Nothing changes there. She says this kid she likes reminds her of me!
 The problem is, she was blessed with way more than an 85 IQ, and I don’t want her to have to endure the consequences of dead-end choices that I myself have made. And frankly, I consider the Hamite race to be inferior, (not sure that’s what God The Father intended) much to my chagrin in this case, as it seems that this bias may be rebounding through unwanted channels back upon me. Always open to different analyses, of course. Whenever, and if warranted, also of course.

I know teenage girls, their attention span is about as long as teenage boys after sex. The point being if you make an issue of this now, girls will become martyrs and just have to have this dreamy token, until they wake up with their life spent, a quadroon dragged around to family gatherings for show, and divorcing the jig. Yes it sounds typical heartless me, but I have a really nutty cousin, like my nutty neighbor who went black, and they repeated the above to be old divorced women.......then again another girl neighbor went black, ran for her life, and then married an insecure white kid who is now raising the droons.

It is easy for me, in I would have rules. Rules like you ain't graduated high school, aren't old enough to be drafted into the military yet, so there is no promise rings. Yeah we live in a woke world, but there is still a world of reality, where a future husband is going to hear about a chocolate fetish and dump the intended.
Babygirl has grown up though, in it is a quite adult ploy to claim the droon reminds her of daddy to checkmate you.

As I am on the road to getting a Viking club to my skull for mouthing off, I wonder where Snapping Turtle is in all this woke slumming. Does not seem like the future she envisions for her daughter, but I probably would make one hell of a royal mess of things and announce that Babygirl needs a full time job to pay for trips overseas as money does not grow on trees, and Mommy could get one too, as generous is wedding vows does not include paying for the mother in law for a grand return to the place she fled.

Yeah that about starts the Thor hammers being thrown on the beach, and reminds one of Richard Nixon being a self starter who could not afford a real college, so he had to work to go to a local college, work his ass off to get his grades 4.0, so he earned a scholarship to Georgetown. No handouts from Pop Nixon as there were none.  TL and TL's sister had to get off their asses and earn scholarships to attend college. Getting straight A's did not allow time for quadroon promise rings, from christian boys who should have parents who should not have 85 IQ's and know better as what the hell is he promising? Hold Babygirl back from a formative application of learning a vocation at top dollar? That is true honoring someone in ruining their life.

OK now that this was said, this has a 90% chance of passing away like most things in high school pass away and you look back and wonder, what the hell was I thinking in getting attached to that loser. Some get caught by a bun in the oven and claim it was an accident.

Sorry Viking for being blunt, but the Hamite race was a problem and was cursed by Noah, their father. Part was pure Canaanite evil and God wiped them out and some were meant for 85 IQ. Yes Jesus died for their sins, but little token Nigger boys in White boy schools, attaching themselves to the Asian girl looking for a pet she can put on a leash, has nothing to do with love, honor and cherish. It is pure weakness and Babygirl sets this pattern she will like most women have a long line of chumps she hates, because she is looking for a male to control.

As the Snapping Turtle is supporting this drama, this is going blow up on you if you say or do anything. Gram always said, "If you can't listen you will feel". Babygirl has a mother who thinks she is an ally and an adult. Adults making trouble like this, will keep on until they feel the pain, and then come back to you, to rescue them and demand solace that none of their actions was any of their fault.

I based my life on a number of quotes from a John Wayne film, Big Jake. I violated the first quote of not getting involved in this post. The one I recall though most is this one in people making decisions and then expecting daddy to be their cheerleader support.

Martha McCandles : It's very daring, yes. Yes, I'll chance it. What you think. Jacob?
Jacob 'Big Jake' McCandles : Suit yourself, Martha
Martha McCandles : I was asking your opinion, Jacob
Jacob 'Big Jake' McCandles : No. You made up your mind and you made your decision alone, you live it alone
Martha McCandles : I was wrong. You haven't changed, have you, Jacob McCandles.
Jacob 'Big Jake' McCandles : Not one bit.

That is a different analysis.
