As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
In warfare some of the greatest accomplishments and greatest catastrophes occurred from airborne troops.
The Sky Troopers were a wonderful invention of surprise and precision of the Germans. The problem was when surprise was lost and precision was negated by bad drops, the elite paratroopers were fodder for any kind of potato peeler ground forces.
I desire you to compare, German and American elite killers of this era, and all you will see are the faces of innocent young boys, and the fact is, they look much the same, because both were Saxon ancestors in they were both German.
The German paratroopers were named Fallschirmjagers or the Sky Hunters, and in the above photos, thee Americans are the ones holding the Nazi flag.
What was unique and yet a fault, was the fact that German Infantry, and that included the airborne troopers of the Luftwaffe, were always too lightly equipped. There was little anti tank weaponry or any heavy type weapons, as the Germans were highly mobile, which surprised all, but at the same time, when the heavy Soviet or American armor appeared, the Germans died bravely in using often all they had in demolition packs to stop tanks.

What a German jumped with, is what they had to fight with. A pistol, a knife, a few grenades and a submachine gun were the arsenal. The Sky Troopers were called upon to do everything in facing heavy fixed positions.

In fact the only "heavy" weapons the Germans carried, was a weapon which was heavy, in the MG34 machine gun.
The MG34 was first produced in 1929, standardized in 1934 and became combat issued in 1936. It used the cartridge of the German Empire in the 7.92 x 57 Mauser. It is a wonderfully lethal and accurate cartridge. It was the cartridge of "heavy weapon fire" from German units, even though it was not the tank or aircraft killer of the American, John Browning M 2 50 caliber machine gun.
The Germans were resolute and familiar oriented in their units. They demanded focused fighting, which was quite Spartan in Victory or Death. Chivalry was awarded those enemies who earned it, but partisans were to be given no quarter, as they were guerillas and looked upon as assassins.
You are the elite of the Wehrmacht. For you, combat shall be fulfillment. You shall seek it out and train yourself to stand any test.
- Cultivate true comradeship, for together with your comrades you will triumph or die.
- Be shy of speech and incorruptible. Men act, women chatter; chatter will bring you to the grave.
- Calm and caution, vigor and determination, valour and a fanatical offensive spirit will make you superior in attack.
- In facing the foe, ammunition is the most precious thing. He who shoots uselessly, merely to reassure himself, is a man without guts. He is a weakling and does not deserve the title of paratrooper.
- Never surrender. Your honour lies in Victory or Death.
- Only with good weapons can you have success. So look after them on the principle—First my weapons, then myself.
- You must grasp the full meaning of an operation so that, should your leader fall by the way, you can carry it out with coolness and caution.
- Fight chivalrously against an honest foe; armed irregulars deserve no quarter.
- Keep your eyes wide open. Tune yourself to the top most pitch. Be nimble as a greyhound, as tough as leather, as hard as Krupp steel and so you shall be the German warrior incarnate.
The Germans fought courageously in all of their wars, with honor and chivalry. One of the greatest crimes of the German wars, is that the United States covered up the butchery of Soviet troops and remained silent as England used murderous airborne slaughter against German civilians.
That is one reason the propaganda of the inflated holocaust numbers has prevailed, as the Soviets shoving flares up Slavic women's genitals and lighting them or impaling German Landsers from the anus to brain with rifles as America supplied the weapons, casts as disturbing light on what democrats allowed in the name of Franklin Roosevelt democratic wars.
The fact of history has proven one reality, and that is destroying Germany accomplished nothing, and the world would have been better off if Germany had won it's wars, and the United States has followed George Washington's mandate in staying out of Eurasian wars.
Nuff Said