Monday, July 27, 2020

Logical Progression of Boogaloo

I'm already 3/4's White and you are what every Black woman wants....

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

 The weaponized Negroid has been a fixture of New World politics since the English used the Black slave riot to intimidate subjects. Abraham Lincoln weaponized the Negro in the Emancipation Proclamation.
The CIA and FBI, via Charles Manson were involved in a Helter Skelter test run as Marxist Blacks became militant, and  the process was only subdued when Martin King was executed and FBI handler Jesse Jackson took control of Black Lives.

The installation of Barack Hussein Obama, ushered in a new era of the weaponized Black. Obama and Eric Holder funded and expanded this intimidation ring, and trained them to devolve from the Black Wilding of Obama to the Rioters of 2020 over porn star George Floyd.

Little traction has resulted though in the weaponized Black as in their filth they die of the plague and have little life outside of their niche.
There does appear to be a dynamic shift in this paradigm though, in it is the Obama militant Black which is moving now to genocide the "right wing Black".  This is a change from Charles Manson who thought that a race war would take place between Whites and Blacks, and it follows King George and Abraham Lincoln, as much as the Kennedy's in their pet Negroes. The change is what if Blacks murdering each other over drugs, pimping and money laundering, started murdering each other in a Black Boogaloo, based in their own racial politics.

Black Trump supporter, 60, is shot dead in Milwaukee   dailymail

WATCH: Black Right-Wing Journalist Stabbed at Black Lives Matter Riot in Portland   gateway

The Afroid is quite predatory in assaults, rape and murder on other races, but if the shift could be produced by those engaged in this, in Black on Black violence, then it is logical that a real race war could be started in America, as the outlaw ghetto of competing right and left wing ideologies would provide a natural expansion into suburban Whites, as those children purchase narcotics from those streets and political sides would have to be taken.

This is the first time such a shift has been observed, and it is the Black Boogaloo. If the tallies rise, then this could render in definitive results, in perhaps Obama Islam burning down Martin King Churches.
