Thursday, July 16, 2020

MI6 Was Shadowing Ivanka Trump for 20 Years

Wendi why do your tampons always play the BBC...

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In an incredible revelation by the CIA's ABC Mockingbird outlet, it has been revealed that British MI6 was shadowing Ivanka Trump for at least 13 years and the agent chosen for the surveillance is none other than Theresa May's, Christopher Steele of the Pissgate Dossier.

Steele first made contact with Ms. Trump at a dinner party, where Steele, who was stationed in Moscow, lied to Ivanka Trump, that his business front for MI6 could open up investments in foreign markets for the Trump brand.
What MI6 was engaged in, was a honey pot operation against the Trumps. The operation is meant to lure a business family into a foreign deal, which of course would be shady as hell, and the result would be MI6 would use it as a platform to spy from, and to frame the family in criminal acts, in order for the family to front for them.

MI6 did this with Jews Rupert Murdoch and Robert Maxwell. Murdoch was framed to become an Obama asset in 2008 and Maxwell was assassinated for his espionage work.

Ivanka Trump first met Steele at a dinner in 2007, after which the pair wrote to each other about the possibility of work collaborations, a source told ABC. The two reportedly also met at Trump Tower in 2008.
Ivanka Trump reportedly thought that Steele’s firm, Orbis Business Intelligence, could help the Trump Organization expand into foreign markets.
ABC saw some of the pair’s communications, and sought comment from Ivanka Trump but received no response. Steele’s attorney and a representative for Orbis Business Intelligence, and the White House, all declined to comment on the report.
Christopher Steele, the former MI6 agent who set up Orbis Business Intelligence and compiled a dossier on US President Donald Trump, in London, March 7, 2017. (Victoria Jones/PA via AP)
Steele had previously told investigators that he had met with “a Trump family member at Trump Tower and ‘been friendly’ with [the family member] for some years,” without naming the individual he met with.

What is explosive in this is, another MI6 asset was deployed to make contact with Ivanka Trump in Wendi Deng, who was Rupert Murdoch's wife. This woman is the reason Ivanka was steered back into marrying Jared Kushner after Ivanka had called it quits. MI6 with Mosaad, and probably the PLA were interested in making sure that Ivanka married into the Kushner family, as the Kushners are assets if Shin Bet, the FBI intelligence network of the Jews, who are connected to Benjamin Netanyahu.
Deng went on to be the sexual liaison with Vladimir Putin, as she was a full service store front.

This is absolutely damning as it was MI6 which was feeding information to the Obama regime in CIA's John Brennan, FBI's James Comey and NSA's Susan Rice, to frame the Trump's. Steele was the direct pipeline in this bizarre dossier he produced for the Bush family and then the Clintons, against Donald Trump. MI6 had been shadowing the Trumps, in order to frame them in some Russian business deal and when this did not work, MI6 dusted Steele off to help install Hillary Clinton as Obama weaponized the CIA and FBI against  America.

Understand the importance of the dates this went into operation in 2007. Donald Trump was gaining political traction. He, like John Edwards, might become a political competitor to Birther Hussein Obama, and the surest way to end that, would be setting Donald Trump up.

This is something which must remain in your understanding, MI6 went after the Trumps. They chose Ivanka, they chose to convince her to marry into the Kushners, and this was all done for reason which has not yet been fully disclosed. This is a criminal act of espionage and what MI6 engaged in with Obama was an act of war against the United States.

This has always been about British meddling in US election and the Lame Cherry is proven right again, as was first posted here in December of 2016 AD in the year of our Lord.

Nuff Said
