Sunday, July 19, 2020

That Fork Tailed Comet

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

TL and I were out last night looking at Neowise the comet, and something has changed in it. The first night it was the tail, and with binoculars you could see the glowing core.

Last night, without any clouds, so this could not be the source, the comet appeared to be rolling or tumbling. It would bleed out in the head and get fuzzy, and then looked like it was tumbling and would disappear as the light would change, and then it would wink back to what it was previously and the process would start again.

To say something is not right or wrong, is incorrect, as what is correct is something is affecting this comet. Nothing looked different in the stars, so that mean  this was not in earth atmosphere. So it is in space, and something in our solar system is affecting Neowise. It could be dust clouds, it could be magnetic pull, it could be it hit something or it could be as it is a comet, in ice, it might have fractured and is breaking up, or the split tail was a sign it was like a dumb bell in two ends, and this has begun tumbling in erosion.

Just noting an exclusive that something changed in this comet and that changes everything about this comet in trajectory too.
