Monday, July 20, 2020

Quadroons electing Donald Trump 2020

So, basically, she’s saying no one has a right to defend themselves on their own property, because she says so, despite Missouri law and despite the Castle Doctrine. The McCloskeys had the right to defend themselves and they didn’t hurt anyone in the process.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The fact is in this manipulation to reelect President Donald Trump, it is the Quadroons who will put Donald Trump into a second term.

The Obama hind titters in Judge Emmet Sullivan and this Kim Gardner of St. Louis, lynching White People are the focal point of Joe Biden showing the world in reverse of Nigger Lynching, of scaring White People of what an Obama 3rd term is bringing in their deaths as part of Quadroon Reparations.

This is the 1968 light up of Chicago by the same mob. which allowed Richard Nixon to hedge a razor thin margin over Hubert Humphrey, two National Socialists and it was Humphrey's agenda which Nixon put into effect.

Throwing Americans into prison for defending themselves in the South, only propels this toward Trump winning margins in swing states.  It doesn't matter if the GOP is running Obamanazis, which it is, because America is going to elect the lot of them to Congress who will bring about the very policies which they did not vote for or want.

When the dust settles Quadroon Kim will elect Donald Trump, she will lead the pack of bias and bigotry and racism, to make sure that Blacks are never afforded power again as they go into the night like the dinosaur.

This is getting all of you fired up, just the way Obama fired up his Niggers in wilding against Whites. I'm not playing the game in this. It is just more civil unrest not by the Niggers in the ghetto, but the ones in the suits as this is where all of this is being generated from.

Enjoy the politics as this elects Donald Trump.

Nuff Said
