Monday, July 20, 2020

Thee 2020 Election of Donald Trump

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The evidence is clear that Webster Griffin Tarpley was correct in America is to be ruled by communists or socialists.

In nothing this reality, if Donald Trump wins the election, a heavy handed national socialism will prevail. If Donald Trump is replaced with Mike Pence, a heavy handed national socialism will prevail.
If Joe Biden is installed, a heavy handed communism will criminalize Americans who will begin by design to weed themselves out, by being pushed to force. If Hillary Clinton is installed, a heavy handed communism will criminalize Americans who will begin by design to weed themselves out, by being pushed to force.

All of this is known by the 1%. What will emerge is a conglomerate contracted security force replacing the police. What is unknown to this bleater what choice has been mandated, if thee American genocide will be one of national socialism slowing cooking the frog or one of Eric Holder frame ups of Branch Davidians, Ruby Ridge, Hutatree in murderous crackdowns to cow the public into a robotic sensored surveillance to crush who they are, as militant forces ANTIFA burn them down in the White streets, where White is a crime.

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

That did not take long.

Nuff Said
