As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
There is an interesting alliance between Obama Marxists who drove up prices on guns and ammo during their years occupying the White House, profiting the mostly foreign owned manufacturers of American goods, as it manifests with the NRA Wayne LaPierre standing by in his expensive suits in targeting more Donald Trump type BATFE bans as in the "bump stock".
The new catch phrase is GHOST GUNS and this is coming from the top floor of FBI and BATFE, as when a Canadian jumped the border into America, there was a big propaganda push before the Virginia Gun Rights Rally that "White Supremacist" were on the march and a threat as great as Muslims.
The only problem is the FBI got the Black Face Governor of Virginia to declare a state of emergency for 3 people whose one action was they spray painted a Jew building and had tried to build a gun in their garage.
For the record, spray painting is kid stuff misdemeanor and it is absolutely legal for anyone to build a gun in their garage.
This though has not been lost on liberals with the foreign gun manufacturers, in Rhode Island has swept in and now declared perfectly legal building of things in your garage as a felony and you get 10 years in prison for this, unless the firearms have a serial number etched in.
There is an entire American industry in this, in the computer CAD diagrammed 3 D blueprints of firearms which again is LEGAL as it is just a picture, and companies which turn out 80% finished firearms.
For those who do not know, the 1968 Gun Control act which is unConstitutional and the President should have struck it down, puts guns into two pieces, the receiver which is what moves the ammo from the magazine to the chamber and the rest of the gun.
Receivers are regulated and need to be registered when purchased with the BATFE. The rest of a gun from triggers, frames, barrels, magazines, stocks are benign and require no tracking. The big fun for numbers of people recently is they have been buying kits and doing the finishing work on AR 15's in customizing this firearm to their delight. Other companies sell gun parts, except the receiver, which is buildable and these are the Ghost Guns, which cut into international profits.
DC is now in another Quadroon legal representative suing a company called Polymer 80 for selling basically a moulded pile of plastic which is federally legal, because DC says it is a gun, which it is not.
I do see benefits in this, if John Roberts is removed from the Court and Donald Trump would pick some real Sam Alito Conservatives for the bench, in Americans having their rights restored as this DC Quadroon has opened up an entire legal web in this, which when DC is ruled against, it will bring about the restoration of gun rights on a number of issues.
Rhode Island which banned the Ghost Guns, is in violation of federal law. No State can criminalize an activity which is protected under federal law. The BATFE lists firearm's manufacturers needing licenses, but people in their garages do not need a license or to put serial numbers on guns. It is the same legality of the BATFE states that you can make 200 gallons of wine or things in your home a year, and as long as you are not selling it as a business, you do not need to pay a tax or require a license. The Citizen has the right to produce legally defined things in their home or on their property for their private use. DC and Rhode Island are both in violation of the Citizen's Civil Rights in redefining what is a firearm and criminalizing an activity which is federally legal, as that is where the Second Amendment begins and ends.
What Rhode Island and DC are engaged in, is exactly the same if they banned a Citizen from representing themselves in court, because they are not a license lawyer. There is a difference between regulation of firearms which again is an illegal infringement and the banning of firearms which is a nullification of the Constitution.