Sunday, August 16, 2020

Come Die For Me American

Come Die for Me American

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry is not here to lament or rail, concerning the "nearer to thee" move the United States is engaged in as world war is coming.

In Asia, the United States is featuring a Pacific Strategy to lure China out and kill the dragon in the seas, but the reality is, if China comes, it will not island hop like Japan, but move for what it requires and that is Alaskan oil, to keep the United States and Japan from that oil. It will be Paddy Daddy on the ground in the muskeg.

The real theater for China is Iran and central Asia, and China is moving to dislodge American Sunni from the Mideast for Muslim Shia of Iran.

In increased pressure, the United States has moved to the Carpathian Mountains of Poland to contend with Russia. When war comes with Russia, the Russians will move with 3 spears. The Scandinavian spear, the Italian Spear and the Czech Spear.
The great plains of eastern Europe are what the Germans fought the Russian on in Ukraine and the Baltics. The United States is preparing to receive the Russian blow in the mountain fastnesses of the center. There will be an earth flattening check at Prague, before the Russians pour into Germany and France, where the remaining NATO will stand in an enclave war as Russia will have reached it's limits on the Rhine where major scorched earth will take place.

Poland which is still upset as Brzezinski in the Russians kicking the hell out of the Catholic princes generations ago, has America now on it's soil, and no one comprehends that when Russia comes, this is a delaying war as America can not stop the Russian heavy armour. The Russian tanks will plough parts of Europe like the farm.

Pompeo Inks Deal With Poland to Move Troops From Germany

Czaputowicz said the presence of American troops "enhances our deterrence potential because we are closer to the potential source of conflict."
"It is important that they should be deployed here in Poland and not in Germany," he said.
President Donald Trump said the pact was the culmination of months of negotiations with Poland.
"The agreement will enhance our military cooperation and increase the United States' military presence in Poland to further strengthen NATO deterrence, bolster European security, and help ensure democracy, freedom, and sovereignty," Trump's statement said.
Some 4,500 U.S. troops are currently based in Poland, but about 1,000 more are to be added. Last month, in line with Trump's demand to reduce troop numbers in Germany, the Pentagon announced that 12,000 troops would be withdrawn from Germany with about 5,600 moving to other countries in Europe, including Poland.
In addition, several U.S. military commands will be moved out of Germany, including the U.S. Army V Corps overseas headquarters that will relocate to Poland next year.

The United States deliberately lost a United Nations vote on Iranian rearming. Iran is being created a greater threat, drawing China into the Asian center and Mideast. George W. Bush policy was to kill China in the Asian wastes and that is where the weapon's of mass destruction will inflict in low population zones. This will cut China off, not stop them as they will advance into the sands of oil, but no water or food to sustain a military. China will die in the ocean of sand as like Russia on the Rhine, this is the length of viable re supply.

Saturday's signing came just a day after the Trump administration suffered an embarrassing diplomatic loss at the United Nations when its proposal to indefinitely extend an arms embargo on Iran was soundly defeated in a U.N. Security Council vote that saw only one country side with the U.S. Pompeo will visit that country, the Dominican Republic, on Sunday for the inauguration of its new president.
Pompeo said in Warsaw that it was "unfortunate" that France and the U.K., permanent members of the Security Council, did not support the U.S. position and that Washington would continue to press the issue.

There will have to be events which move America to this FDR and Woodrow Wilson standing, and it will be the first time in world war, that the United States will not have a socialist in the White House advancing the enemies agenda as America bleeds, that is unless Joe Biden in his senility steals the election and then the Wog child, Kamala Harris, an East Indian Nigger with an Indian Wog mum, who hates America, will be asked to choose between America and her allies in the 3rd world.

Events will be economic collapse, nuclear terrorism and more of this Obama Intifada.

If the United States is positioned to hit Iran, then the nuclear pollution there will force Russia into Europe and force China into the sea.

The positioning is now for a war, to buy time, until the United States will assemble for a first wave reply as lives are spent in American front line forces. The Europeans in their arrogance will be bloodied as will the Asians who did not support the United States. It will be the first war in history of precision mass death on a global scale. It will be lovely if it is captured upon digital.

That is the Lame Cherry assessment in another matter anti matter exclusive.

Nuff Said
