Sunday, August 16, 2020

Condolensces to the Presidential Family

“It is with heavy heart I share that my wonderful brother, Robert, peacefully passed away tonight,” . “He was not just my brother, he was my best friend,”
“He will be greatly missed, but we will meet again. His memory will live on in my heart forever. Robert, I love you. Rest in peace.”

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry sincerely offers condolences to the Trump family, save the wicked lezbo niece, on the death of Donald Trump's brother.

The left though is making a huge mistake in their heartless propaganda again they are producing.

Media, Some Democrats Use Death Of Trump’s Brother To Attack The President: ‘The Wrong Trump’ Died  dailywire

The Lame Cherry without any intention of posting this when I started, suggests to the President, that upon his re election, that Attorney General William Barr be directed to file homicide charges in the death of the President's brother, against the publisher, everyone in media, the judiciary, lawyers and the lesbian niece in the creation of that hate filled book, meant to attack the President and rip divisions in the Trump family.

It was the niece who stole Trump's financial records and turned them over to the press.

It was in this period that the President's brother became ill, fighting this case, rallied, was denied by the courts protection, and this killed him.

What took place with the President's brother, is not any different than what Nazi's did to minorities in the concentration camps, and letting them languish and die. That is murder in the Reich and it is murder when they do it to Donald Trump's brother.

All of these homicidal conspirators who now state that the President should have been murdered instead, have confirmed their guilt, and the US Attorney's must bring this before a Grand Jury and indict on charges from 1st Degree Murder to 1st Degree Manslaughter. No one has the right to stress another human out deliberately so it harms them physically or leads to their death.

In the end, this would be a few hundred murderous liberals executed and jailed for their crimes of the murder of Donald Trump's brother.

My condolences to the Presidential family and I do pray they find comfort in the trials, imprisonment and executions of those who caused the death of their beloved family member.

Nuff Said
