Sunday, August 16, 2020

Trouble in Bidendise

When you pick a coon, you get monkey politics

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Chris Wallace and George Stephanopoulos, with the New York Times are not doing Kamala Harris any favors in attempting to portray her as a "moderate", because the fact is when moderate Joe Biden stole the nomination from Bernie Sanders, the Sanders communists were livid over it, and still are livid that Biden did not pick a real leftist, and instead have this aboriginal Harris on the ticket, who has the same Obama bloodlines.
Harris is a Tamil Wog mum with a fresh off the boat Jamaican father. Obama's mum was Filipino and his sperm donor was a dock worker as pictured with his Grandfather Stanley Dunham.

Barack Obama's sperm donor, front center middle.

Kamala Harris though is not Marxist Obama and in that being this socialist prostitute, sleeping her way into power, the Bernie Sanders voters are not accepting of this political she thing as their representative.
Think of it as Obama is Mao China, which hated Bernie Sanders Moscow Stalinists. Into the mix comes some damn Wog out of India, spreading her legs. Obama likes the she thing, as he can control her and get her to bark like a dog, but Moscow does not want this Kamala Harris as she is not ideologically pure and when they look at Joe Biden, they see a moderate bowl of shit.

On the right side, there is Donald Trump's re election, which is frankly speaking the Truth that Harris is a radical, because she is unAmerican, in gun control, sex perversion, baby butchering and she uses the Judicial system like a Darwin sorting bin in who she impales and who she protects.

In politics, Kamala Harris is the two edged castrating knife of Joe Biden's political nut sack. The people on the left hate another Obama birther who is not radical and the people on the right look at Harris and see another freak of the left they are not going to vote for.

The Jews are pitching this Black Lives Mauled candidate as that is what Kamala Harris is, a woman who was bullied onto Biden's ticket by the leftist Black lobby, as the answer to the Jews and Black support for Biden. It may be as Jews are a treacherous lot in voting for their own 30 pieces as Lebanon has mushroom clouds over it, and Blacks see anything like a shadow and they will follow it, but this is not about those groups, and all the other freak show that Biden has holding their noses, this is about the radical left and the moderate right.

That is why Wallace and his cronies are lying about Harris as a moderate, they want to con like for Obama, White voters to vote for another Asian Negroid, with oversexed genitals and nothing between the ears. That is where the contest is, as the radical left is not going to vote for Joe Biden. The other voting groups are not enthused about Biden to go out and brave Coronavirus to vote for Biden.
In that, Obama's Intifada shot their wad, in they burned down their homes, got Coronavirus and died. The Afroid is not going to be suckered to go out in Plague Pandemic in their infested ghettos to vote for Joe Biden or this Quadroon thing called Kamala Harris.

One can also throw into this lot, the Muslims. They hate Christians and they hate Hindus, and Kamala Harris is both. Joe Biden has already pissed off Muslims, so there goes another percentage off the ticket.
This is about generating support for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, and Harris only brings in the 1% of nation rapists out of Silicon Valley. That hate group does not win elections as Hillary Clinton proved. Joe Biden has less of a base now than he had before he stupidly chose Kamala Harris. Joe Biden is not going to be elected nor steal an election just because people hate Donald Trump, because the people who love Donald Trump, are going to brave the virus and cast ballots. It is why democrats want mail voting, as they know their voters are phobic about catching the virus, dying and going to hell, in explaining why they voted against God all of their lives.

Those are the realities in all of this. Joe Biden with Kamala Harris has huge problems on the American left, thee American Right, and the American moderate does not have an affinity with dripping Quadroon genitals in political oversex and Joe Biden, both senile and a pervert.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter

Nuff Said
