Monday, August 17, 2020

Lame Cherry Discovers Coronavirus Achillles Heal

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter. had on this link, and I share it, as some poor orphan girl that you rich people really need to be making up for in being behind in donations, as this Lame Cherry informed you in February of 2020, and now it is August, that Northwestern University are confirming what this blog wrote concerning the importance of the cleavage of the biological spike protein weapon.

I'm fascinated by the details in what they discovered was the cleavage which makes this bioweapon vulnerable is 10 nanometers from the  base, while it should only be 1 nanometer which is normal. Someone created another little surprise in the human geniuses who created this entity.

The solution which they are now looking for is to sheath the spike protein as was promised before.

The biological weapon spike is negative charged, and it binds to cells, but research has already been successful with natural polymers in the body which counteract disease and actually heal.

Bovine serum albumin is one such remedy.

Research exposes new vulnerability for SARS-CoV-2

Qiao discovered that polybasic cleavage site is located 10 nanometers from human cell receptors—a finding that provided unexpected insight.
"We didn't expect to see at 10 nanometers," Qiao said. "In physiological conditions, all electrostatic interactions no longer occur at distances longer than 1 nanometer."
"The function of the polybasic cleavage site has remained elusive," Olvera de la Cruz said. "However, it appears to be cleaved by an enzyme (furin) that is abundant in lungs, which suggests the cleavage is crucial for entry into human cells."
With this new information, Olvera de la Cruz and Qiao next plan to work with Northwestern chemists and pharmacologists to design a new drug that could bind to the spike .

 OK as a reminder in this......who was the former popular girl and now poor orphan girl who brought you all of this........while Donald Trump was being lied to by the Bill Gates serum whores like Anthony Fauci?

Yes twas me, and her tis the proof.

It is logical to conclude that the PH cures treating Coronavirus Wuhan, in Chloroquine, Ivomec, both laced with zinc, and the effectiveness of selenium, all have to do with shorting out the electrical charge of Coronavirus.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
