Little nappy child if you wash with Ivory soap that black comes off
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
The Lame Cherry has one question for you concerning Donald Trump foreign policy, and that is, has the United States experienced a nuclear or conventional war or a massive terror attack?
The answer is NO, so when I see these Bill Kristol Jew Communists and Bush Fam Socialists, rolling out this Miles Taylor, the boy Nazi of Bush Fam.

Taylor was one of the many deep state trolls who took President Trump's policies to the extreme and added a real Nazi flare to them. Michelle Obama just brought up one of Taylor's policies, which Birther Hussein stated, in BUILDING CAGES AND PUTTING CHILDREN IN THEM.
It was Miles Taylor who putting children into cages, which gave democrats their opening to Ocasio Cortez appear at the border and whine about the children in detention.
Trump's entire group who was foisted on him from John Kelly who brought in those children so in retirement he could join a paid group making money off of invader children, Kristi Nielsen who had Miles Taylor putting kids in cages under her, and then held back by the law from enforcing the President's mandate, was another problem in this, as Miles Taylor now being pimped by the Kristol Commies and Bush Nazis is stating he loves the senile pedophilia of Joe Biden.
Taylor was purged from DHS when Kirstjen Nielsen issued her resignation as DHS secretary. Taylor was then hired by Google, but many called for his firing from there for pushing the Muslim ban and detaining migrant children at the U.S. border.Yes everyone was calling for this trolls firing. Taylor then took a job at the NSA's Google which of course was to purge all links pro Trump and all blogs like this one exposing all of this.
Taylor served as chief of staff to former DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen from 2017-19. Nielsen was ousted that year after prominently disagreeing with the president on border security. Taylor subsequently went to work for Google, leading congressional Democrats to write a letter to Google last fall complaining about the company’s decision to hire an alumni of the Trump administration. He worked previously in the George W. Bush administration.
Monday’s op-ed was accompanied by the unveiling of an ad starring Taylor by Republicans Against Trump, a group founded by prominent anti-Trump commentator Bill Kristol and former Jeb Bush aide Tim Miller.
“Given what I’ve experienced in the administration, I have to support Joe Biden for president,” Taylor said in the two-minute ad.
If you look at this group of Kristol and Miller, this is the genesis of Pissgate, as they were involved with Paul Singer, funding the digging up of dirt on Donald Trump, for Marco Rubio to displace Ted Cruz and be Jeb Bush's Vice President. All this troll trash was brought into the Trump Administration to sabotage what the President was elected to do. And that includes that troll Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, vouching for Kamala Harris.
This is the worst that this group can do is produce these baseless ads against President Trump, blaming him for their policies and sabotage. The worst they can do is like John Kasich, going to the DNC and telling Sander's voters that Joe Biden is not going to implement your leftist nuttiness as policy, as Kasich appeals to normal people to trust Joe Biden, who in majority they believe is going to be dead by 2020. So trust Joe Biden, as his pedophile protecting Kamala will look out for your right to life, firearms and paycheck issues.
The only example Miles Taylor provides in how the President endangered the country on foreign policy issues was delaying a phone call with Congress on a government shut down, a delay which sweated Congress which was trying to blackmail Donald Trump into submission, which would not have been good for America.
“He insisted on a near-total focus on issues that he said were central to his reelection — in particular building a wall on the U.S. border with Mexico,” Taylor lamented. “One day in February 2019, when congressional leaders were waiting for an answer from the White House on a pending deal to avoid a second government shutdown
So Donald Trump insisted on keeping his word on national security issues which were the most pressing to thee American People, which included building the border wall, and making certain it looked imposing, instead of a rusty wall.
Again, shutdowns are domestic policy, again the United States is not at war in Russia, North Korea, China. The United States has rolled back operations in Libya, Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan, which were Bush and Obama wars and with all the upheaval America is as secure as can be expected, so the reality is Donald Trump in being attacked by these #NeverTrumpers with the Democrat Deranged for 4 years, has kept America safe, and that proves Miles Taylor is a damned liar.
This same nonsense took place in the 1864 election of Abraham Lincoln. Trolls appearing and gnashing their teeth without effect.
It is distasteful to see these sissy boys of the left who have risen to power on promising Ronald Reagan, and have been undermining those American policies for 30 years, for the 1% and making America a worse place in the American Genocide.
Joe Biden will keep America safe? This is his Obama's Intifada in BLM. This is his George Soros ANTIFA. Joe Biden made Obama's first Political Prisoner in Larry Sinclair. Joe Biden took bribe from Ukraine and China. Joe Biden brought us Ukraine, Libya and Yemen. Joe Biden gave billions of dollars to Iran to build nuclear bombs. Joe Biden allowed China to build a bio weapons lab in Wuhan. Joe Biden let North Korea build a nuclear arsenal. Joe Biden allowed the invasion of America to replace American workers.
Just how is it with all of that reality is Miles Taylor, the whore of the communist and nazis asuring us that Joe Biden will keep America safe, because Joe Biden failed in 8 years with Obama.
Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Nuff Said