Thursday, August 20, 2020

Quadroon Kamala Do You Feel Michelle's Breath?

I am whiter than my brown paper bag dress....

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I have read Michelle Obama's DNC convention speech, and in reading it, I read the words of a hypocrite, who ran upon a platform of hating White People, using Black People to intimidate the nation with riots and a woman who endlessly spent a fortune on parties and trips in self indulgence as her husband fostered a continued depression, so they could ram through Marxist agendas of creating thee American Genocide of of Whites replaced by Asians and Blacks replaced by Mexicans.

I got from the Obama DNC speech nothing of perfection nor proving America does not deserve Michelle Obama, unless it is Americans do not deserve such a self serving and American loathing Quadroon.

Michelle Obama's speech was long and ignorant. It was summed up in this:

I am one of a handful of people living today who have seen firsthand the immense weight and awesome power of the presidency. And let me once again tell you this: The job is hard. It requires clear-headed judgment, a mastery of complex and competing issues, a devotion to facts and history, a moral compass, and an ability to listen — and an abiding belief that each of the 330,000,000 lives in this country has meaning and worth.
What more disqualification could there be of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris in neither one is clear headed, neither have mastered complex or competing issues, and neither have any more moral compass as adultuerous pedophile protectors.

I think of how clear headed Birther Hussein Obama was in 500,000 dead in Syria, oh he meant to have that many people murdered. How about the murderous civil war in Libya, his clear head meant that too. And now there is the Obama Intifada meant to intimidate Americans as Obama's trained mob and Soros' paid for ANTIFA abuse and murder their way across America, costing billions of dollars.
........and let us not forget that the bioweapons lab in Wuhan China, was fostered and signed off on by Barack Hussein Obama, and let us not forget that the persecution of Americans began with Joe Biden and Barack Obama against Lawrence Sinclair, Obama's gay sex partner, and ended with the framing of Donald Trump by Obama Biden weaponizing the entire American Government against it's Citizens.

I could go on in this, but I wonder with the propaganda of this, in what America deserves and what American perfection is, in what is being laid forth as Michelle Obama replacing Joe Biden as the Presidential nominee this year. She was writing her political debut book before all of this, and now premiers along with Andrew Cuomo on the opening night of the DNC.

It is highly doubtful that Michelle Obama would allow another woman to remain on the ticket, a woman who is as foreign as Barack Hussein Obama and as big of sexual whore, so it would make sense for Mario jr. to join the ticket.

I had discounted those who said Biden would be replaced as their is not a real reason to for the 1%, but in discovering the featured propaganda for this two zip code sized ass shemale again in adoring her, there is more going on here than just more wasted fawning over this creature.

Watch out pedo Joe and Kamala the ho. Michelle Obama is breathing down your necks.

Nuff Said
