Thursday, August 20, 2020

Time For Deutschland to Elect Kanzler Kurz

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I wanted to thank the artist who created the above, years ago, as TL just came across it on media platform. I still hope to have the funds to obtain a riot gun, even if I was holding doors open for Mexicans who thanked me with a smile in English. I'm Christian, I do that for anyone.

This though is about the crisis state of Europe, and it's effect on the United States, and as no one is explaining any of this, the Lame Cherry will.

Europe is in a major recession in some parts, some parts are in depression, and some parts the social order is quite luxurious. Just as in the United States, money being handed out, has nothing to do with affecting the economy, but money handed out is how the 1% are going to benefit shearing you in inflation or are going to get 100% of the money.

In Europe. with Britain entering a recession, Angela Merkel of German leads Europe, with the lap puppet Manny Macron of France, sticking his fingers into everyone's bung hole, or bank. These two want to hand out 500 billion dollars, which of course goes to Rothschild banking, exactly as Barack Obama dumped a trillion US Dollars into those banks, stealing it from Americans.

There is though a group of four nations, led by Sebastian Kurz, who are called the Frugal Four. They are not for enriching the few, stealing from their people, but for making loans which must be paid back. Sebastian Kurz is not going to hand 500 billion dollars to the elite bankers to make lives worse for Europeans.

Much was made of Vice President Dick Cheney defining Europe as Old and New. The Old being the west and the new being the Slavic east. There is a new division though led by dynamic young leaders such as Sebastian Kurz, who are financially conservative in budgets, while the old Rothschild trolls led by Angela Merkel are debt spending their nations to a stolen few more moments before war breaks out.

The Kurz Doctrine was laid out in the following statement in Kurz put the French Macron on notice, and stated that his economic responsibility would protect Austrians and with that hopefully protect Germans from Angela Merkel.
The last part is most important.

Good Morning,

The political excitement did not clear six days after the big EU summit. Because: The European Parliament, which likes to spend other people's money, had hoped for more. On Thursday, the MEPs debated a resolution that is tough: Parliament “does not agree to the political agreement on the multiannual financial framework for 2021-2027 in its current version,” says the draft. It is the open threat of veto.

With the help of the Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte, the Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Löfven and the Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen, the Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz had managed to turn the original 500 billion euros into direct grants. As the spokesman for the “frugal four”, which was finally joined by the Finnish Prime Minister Sanna Marin, he pushed for a significantly narrower corona fund and challenged Macron and Merkel. Now he has to fight to ensure that the Macron camp does not succeed in entering the permanent debt union. Speaking to the Morning Briefing Podcast, he says:

"We will not agree to any debt union. For us, the condition of our approval for this project was always that it was temporary and one-time. In my opinion, anything else would be an absolutely wrong path."

As a counterpoint to this position and thus as a propagandist of the debt union, he names the French President:

"I know that Emmanuel Macron and others are intensely promoting this path. But I don't think it would bring more wealth and growth at the end of the day. But to more and more indebtedness and less and less consequences for states that do not have their budgets under control.

Our reasoning throughout the summit was that that's still a huge amount of money. That was also what bothered us about the debate. That many have pretended that it was a trifle or that everything under 500 billion was far too little. From our perspective, that's a lot of money. It is so much that some states will find it difficult to absorb it at all."

Macron had shown himself excited at the summit over the rhetoric of the Austrian chancellor. Kurz shows understanding with a wink:

"Of course, it would be more pleasant for a French president to go to Brussels and see what he has come up with or at least discussed with Germany. I can emotionally understand that this is a nuisance, that other states want to have a say."

He saw the Chancellor as his opponent, but not the German taxpayer:

"We have not always been on the same side in these negotiations. But I believe that a lot of what we represent is in the interests of the German taxpayer and has always been represented in a similar way by German politics.

It is certainly not negative for German taxpayers if the budgets that flow towards southern Europe do not grow indefinitely."

Conclusion: The Austrian Federal Chancellor has slipped from the role of the small Alpine country leader into that of a European spokesman. His thrift is not left or right, but reasonable. That sounds like a commendation and is just a description. The taxpayers' association should consider handing out the gold plaque of honor to Kurz - with a laudation from Angela Merkel.

"We negotiated for a long time in order to achieve a good result for all of Europe. I represented our Austrian interests in the best possible way and believe that, as a result, German taxpayers will also benefit."

The last appeal is to the Kurz majority in Germany, who the Chancellor is speaking to. He has informed that Germany is being saved not by Merkel, but by Kurz in the Motherland. For the future of Europe. the Frugal Four, must create a Senate of 10, and that includes Germans, joining with Austria again to produce a Federalist leadership. The EU does not have to go away. Let he EU be the stagnant parliament it is, and let the 10 leaders, led by a central 3, progress Europe past Coronavirus, Invasion from Islam and Invasion from Russia. Sebastian Kurz has indeed set the groundwork in Indochina and Japan for technical markets, set the stage for trade in Africa, and is on good terms with Russia. The Chancellor is the perfect succession away from the old of Angela Merkel, founded in Soviet East Germany and in the American welfare defense state which made Europeans far too economically fat  and lazy.

Europe must turn in Germany first, to appoint Sebastian Kurz in this 7 year cycle as leader of Europeans for that period without interruption. The Chancellor has indicated just that in he is already representing Germans, so the ideal is to make this official, so that all of Europe can enjoy the prosperity of the Frugal Four, where standards of living are high, there is security and everyone is healthy and happy.

Sebastian Kurz is the future. Europe does not have time to waste on old policies as the future is now.

This is once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in mater anti mater.

