Monday, August 17, 2020

Stairway to Heaven

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I'm not vouching for this guy, but this Pastor Dana, included something which did make me pause, and it had to do with what could be interpreted as a meteor.
In Prophetic terms, water means peoples. Rocks uncarved with human hands is Jesus the Foundation Stone as in Jeremiah the Prophet. I simply do not trust dreamers, as dreams in most cases are you sorting through events.

I could see though a meteor strike unleashing all kinds of chaos. I will also state that if these Obama Intifada and Soros ANTIFA start beating on old people in nursing homes, that is going to last a few hours and then people with loved ones there are going to be lined up, shooting anyone who comes near those places, cops or not. So the logic of dreams does not meet reality. So I am always leery of dreamers.

This is included in Dick Allgire was picking up a meteor impact which I featured. I never inquired on the spaces stones, but am tracking another event, which I will see it if sets or resets in a new location.

They keep coming. And so I dreamt I was in the month of October, I saw the month of October as a calendar, it was waving like it was being blown by a by a strong wind not a fitful wind, not violent just kind of a fitful wind, you know, I saw a finger appear, and it pointed to the second week of October, and it dragged the finger through the third week of the month so it covered the second and third week of October. And then it pointed October 31 and held the position, and just kind of tapped it and held it.
The first thing I saw was a rock came flying out of the sky And it landed in a large pond and the ripples started off small but then it became like vicious waves. Like, like when a wind begins to blow stronger, and the ripples start to go further out. I saw federally elected officials – faces I recognize.
I saw specific state governors, I saw agency leaders, and I saw just radicals like the people you’d see in Portland or Seattle, Seattle or Minneapolis, but they had wicks coming out of their head almost like a firecracker wick like a firework wick. And the second week of October, is when I saw simultaneously all those wicks coming out of the heads were lit on fire.
Federal officials had heads that was the shape of like an old M80. Those folks from 70s and 80s remember those.  The governors had heads shaped like the black cat firecrackers one and a half, two inch firecrackers. Everybody else had the smaller like lady finger style firecracker fireworks.
These people are talking, and they are starting to get animated and start yelling and screaming, the facial images went from normal and calm to red faced jumping to an absolute out of your mind primal scream. Everybody’s head blew up at the same time. These people were still alive with their heads blown up.

Any of the above, you do not need to dream to logically project cause and effect. The Dollar is in trouble as the United States is. You know the rent a mob is going to raise hell in rioting if the President wins or not, as they are funded and being unleashed for purpose. We are in a space stone cluster field and at any time something beyond Perseus might turn the water into blood.

I close this with the Pastor being shown Passover 2021. Ok, Jesus fulfilled that. The anti Christ defiles the Temple which still must be built, and Jesus fulfillment of the High Days are from September to December in the End Times.

Nuff Said

