As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I honestly believe with how senile Joe Biden is, that it has rubbed off on too many people.
A month ago, as this is filler, George Noory, stayed broadcasting on Friday night and his paranormal show was about Queen.
Susan Masino revealed details about the legendary rock band Queen, and their flamboyant lead singer Freddie Mercury.
I know who the frick cares about an old fag English band, as Paul McCartney was fag enough circle jerking with John to posters.
Freddie Mercury was a fag pedo. They never were rock, just fag rock.
The thing is on Friday, Noory has this guy on who is supposed to research and report about Coronavirus, and I swear the guy must be 800 years old and senile, as the exchange with Noory was nuts.
Noory would talk and the guy would not answer him. Instead he was infatuated with the Corona injection, vouching for it all, because Dr. Fauci claims it is all testing and safe. I think the dude if he was told that eating dog shit cured Corona would eat dog shit.
It was at the end of the good news segment, that it got just senile. As Noory told the guy, I DON'T TRUST VACCINATIONS, and the guy replied, "I don't know what your thinking is on this George, but I am for it".
That ended it, and it just goes to show how absolutely braintard C to C has descended into. They never have any interesting guests and when Connie Willis is not showing her tits or being raped by a Big Foot, she is boring as hell in featuring crypto currency, as apparently all these Dick Allgire types get some kickback in pushing that faux cash.

Willis though is hot, and she should be exploited. George Noory is not and should be put in a geezer home. Noory said he liked listening to Paul Anka. I think that is the guy who used to be featured in some snore commercial singing The Times of Your Life, maybe Kodak had that one, I don't know, but I think he is like 4 feet tall and bald. I got no time for pedo singers or that trash that sings like Sinatra as they lost being hip about the time they were banging whores in Vegas.
I mean no one would bed Connie Wills to Paul Anka, she would go to sleep and what fun would that be, as every man wants to be complimented that they are more sexually competent than Big Foot.
This is Francy Malcolm. I do not know why she came up as editor of cosmetics, but she did in looking for a hot photo of Connie Willis.

She has a fiance, sorry guys, but then maybe Big Foot will eat him, but she is in New York now and maybe Buck Sexton will dump the Ice Princess and have a Sasquatch fight to the death with the fiance, as Buck wants two hot women like all Big Foot have.
I would like to have Connie Willis explain why search engines come up with photos of people who are not the people. It would be like, "I am hot Connie and only hot women should come up in place of me.".
Even photoshop photos are acceptable. This is Amy Childs, not Connie Willis after being ravaged by Sasquatch.
Any way, all I want is Art Bell Coast to Coast which was interesting. John B Wells was fantastic. Now I either get so annoyed by the dorks on that show as I try to go to sleep and can not, or I get disgusted in how bad that show is in featuring Joe Biden twins doing reports.
Sorry I had to go check on a ghost banging on the side of the house. It was just wind in the gutters, but see that was interesting and the kind of thing George Noory should be featuring, not the people who you know could never get a date with Connie Willis.
Oh and that suck up who calls Noory constantly from California, always pissing on Noory in how wonderful he and the guests are............is as off putting as the Blacks who call in and howl.
Seriously, I have cousins who look like Connie Willis and the Cosmetic Gal. Nothing looks like Amy Childs and thank God I am not related to anything that looks like George Noory.
Nuff Said