As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I doubt Rush Limbaugh or that other fag, Anderson Cooper would ever take pictures of projects in the place they live, and I know people looking at this will say, "What the hell kind of barn do you live in girl", but this is the brier patch and this is the wicked one's saw, as he never paid me for services rendered and I had permission to use things for projects here, so that is the saw which I used to cut out the 55 year old tile.
What the project is from other posts is making a cellar entrance, or building a chimney conduit from the stone cellar to the outside, and it will be easier to just dump wood in this way, than to go through the house, tracking things up.
Yeah it looks like if I tracked things up, and it would be an improvement, but I told you people that we are poor, so seeing is believing.
The first layer of boards is part of the old cellar door and the rest is the part of the floor, which as I type this TL and I are digging this clay gravel concrete block out, about the size of the the coffin Og had in the Bible.

There were 4 layers of flooring in the kitchen, meaning WOOD was four layers. Only thing I can think of is they were building up to meet the rest of the house. TL thought with all that flooring the floor would be warm, but it is like sticking your feet into a frozen lake in January, which is why we are putting in the wood mason stove below to have the heat rise to the floors and moderate things.
The second picture is looking into the cellar. Those are steps at the top, and I have been using a tile spade to loosen the dirt concrete and then using a sand shovel. Is a bitch having to dig twice if not 3 times, but one scoop at a time and one bucket at a time, and we do ok in making headway.
I ponder a great deal about the world this house was built in. Europeans from Germany, Scandinavia and other proper Christian peoples were lied to, promised land if they just came and farmed it. Those White Injuns are now the target of thee American Genocide, and being descended from the Founders, it is sad to see the lies which have manifested.
TL says it is pretty neat living out here, as we get no permits, no one tells us what we can dig or build and no one inspects shit. Is just God Inspiring me by the Holy Ghost and me felling sick, working away and plugging along to get things done.
Honestly cutting through the floor, which I had to resort to an electric chainsaw was the most trying of all of this, as I had no idea what I was going to find, and it even surpassed what I thought I would find. Not even This Old House with Bob Villa ran into shit like this.
1880 was a long time ago. I look at the wood and think of the forests cut and regrown. I think of the Swedes doing the lumbering. I think of the railroads bringing the lumber in. I think of square nails. I think of dirt that last saw daylight or rain was two centuries ago.
My nose looked like I could plant a bean farm in it. The dust of generations were in that floor. The Dirty 30's, epidemics, wars, and I wonder of the people who built dreams when life was a nightmare, like the times we exist in now.
It is an amazing thing though to cut a hole in your floor, and start digging for China. None of you are ever going to do things like this, and yet out of necessity in we could never afford carpenters, masons and whoever else this engineering project would need, as by the time this is done, I will have worked witth wood, wiring, metal, masonry, dirt and received an intimate knowledge of everything which is there. I am going to know this house better than those that built it.
Except for the electric saws and drills, this is all hand labor. None of the wicked one's labors of hiring dipshits who tore a hole in the house over there, ripped the foundation and braced it up, and dirt walls caving in. This is going to be done right and it will work. It will be the first time in 50 years that this cellar has been in actual use, instead of dump for things people like my old man put down there, which by the time you read this will be hauled out of there, as who does not want obsolete tires in their basement as the most necessary thing in a person's house.
I got stuck with lots of shit jobs in that house.
I don't think something liked me moulding that place, but as I have gotten into it, that entity has left and is rebuked in Jesus Name. The sharecropper shack is not allowing ghosts or entities, to disrupt anything.
The Puntz is most involved in this project, jumping over me, jumping over the hole, inspecting things and being a pretty good cat. She has only growled once and by the next minute was sniffing my glove in friendly approval. I had worried I would be attacked, as she has snuck up on me in previous times and drew blood.
So now you have proof of how old the house is, how poor we are and what kind of work we do beside this blog and a myriad of other things. A cousin asked me how I got to be so handy. Not having money makes people handy, otherwise things do not get done.
I would bet that in this project, I have done more work than most of you combined in 10 years.
Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Nuff Said