As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
As I have watched this Western drought spread east, in Christian Protestant States are being leveraged by Goddamn foreign invasion and political traitors, I will not invest a great deal of ZeroHedge time on this, but I have heard that Joe Biden's new farm policy goes beyond set aside acres to suck up carbon gases into the soil.
The idea is that the government will just take over farming, in an expanded production quotas of the 1930's to 1970's, where the regime will not just order farmers what to plant, but the farmers will work for the regime.
There is massive debt in agriculture. There is a concentration of the few who spend millions of dollars to just put in a crop, and I watch these morons how much field work they get into, to gauge their money flow. The idiots in this HAARP drought are turning things black, meaning no snow cover or reserves for crops. Meaning this expanded drought continue into 2021, these farmers will be at a point of accepting regime take over, as if they can not get crops planted.
I suspect these big farmers are the next target, will be dried out, bankrupted and told their debt will be forgiven, the government will own the land and they can work for the government and have all their socialist needs met.
This is the coming step to converting to Robotics to get rid of these farmers and corporate directing of robots from major metropolitan areas. The globalists have always wanted the people off the land and all in cities. The steps are being initiated to accomplish just that.
Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Nuff Said