Sunday, November 29, 2020

The John Wayne RV



As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I really do not know how there is going to be a Boogaloo, when the FBI is arresting BLM and ANTIFA trolls in Michigan of the weasels there, as it took the FBI apparently 3 months to talk the weasels into buying a bomb. It is all over my head as a peaceful citizen and this story is about what you do when the shit is cleaned up.

No I mean literal shit, as my cousin kindly paid us for cleaning up piles of human shit that the uncle left smeared around on our place. It was memorable and as the payment was in prepaid credit cards which I learned start charging you when you do not use them, so it was a shit cleaning job, minus 25 dollars for money sitting there, I had to spend the money and not save it which upset me.

So I tried to spend it in August, but the clerk at the store, who honestly looks like one of the weasels in a character out of shit hole Arkansas hills, never called me back as I wanted a 45 ACP.
We went in again, and the boys behind the counter that day, did not want to call the boss as she was on vacation.

So we went into.....yes this is about a gun purchasing adventure.

And there was some woman who looked like she had cancer, or she was as dyke and dragged her father or husband along , as she had been shopping across the state looking for some Ruger 22 which only the brier patch had, and apparently the BATFE would not clear her, so she had to come back in 3 days to see if they let it ride. TL thought she was push. I just figured she was just another rich, horsey gun woman and I ignored her as ........I was talking to a friendly quadroon, who was asking me about ammo, and then telling me he was buying guns for his kids. You can't do that, but as he hunted pheasants, it was none of my business in United States commerce. He could have bought me a gun too as I am not prejudiced about guns bought by quadroons.

Anyway, of course they now had in a Kimber 45, which we played with. I do not want a 850 dolllar Kimber, which does not look like a 1911 Colt. So I frowned and asked about 45 Long Colts, and they had one on the bottom rack, which was popular as these children were in there playing with it every day. I complimented one who looked like Corey Feldman, with tats, in saying he looked like he should be in a rock band. He liked that.

They were all in good humor, we laughed, bullshitted and TL concluded that we should be set from prepaid credit card hostage and get the gawdy Ruger Vacarro in 45 Colt, just like John Wayne had, except it was not stainless steel and it does not have ivory grips.


So the hold up was not the BATFE, the hold up was they could not find the box it came in. They called the manager, the kid was F bombing in the store room looking for the box, the other kid was crawling on ladders, they were asking me if I would come back, I was not leaving without the gun as they sold 3 that day, and the kid mentioned all the AR15's were gone, and they were running thin on just about everything, except those Goddamn 9 mm's in those pissy pocket things that hurt your hand when you shoot them, so no one wants the things.

Anyway, did the driver's license, did the BATFE form and my Homeland tag from 2016 AD in the year of our Lord expired as buying guns is quite fast for me again, in they enter the information and the kid said we could proceed, and I did not realize that I passed the background check that quick, and with that he walked me up to the front counter, we paid for the gun in prepaids, and the kid told me he wanted to be adopted into my family as we got good things like prepaid credit cards from other family members, and out the door we walked with the RV.

No ammo at all in the brier patch. It is kaput. I looked online and everyone is sold out too. Great to have Americans so wound up that they have bought all the bullets in the nation and  guns are like new cars for sale in World War II.

This more is about how I carry a handgun. It caught my attention when James Spader in Blacklist had a special camera angle of him, in he was wearing his handgun, a 9 mm probably upside down, tucked into the small of his back, in a holster, kanted about 55 degrees. Yes when I watch shows I look at holsters and guns, as that is what interests me. This was a beautiful concealed carry position, and in practicing, this is really sweet.
I just sweep with my left hand, lifting my jacket, unsnap the hammer gourd with my right thumb and pull the firearm out of the holster or my pant waist band quicker than it takes to read this.

These Colt Army 45's are heavy, but I do not notice this big wheelgun back there, even sitting. I have not noticed the weight either. Is like my pocket knife in you first feel it and then you forget about it as you tune it out.

 That is a Colt Walker that Baby Sister carried

I know I read these gurus who whine about just 5 shots, hard to load in one cartridge at a time, and all this other bullshit of the 9 mm shooters who have 19 shots in a clip and can't hit shit. I have to caveat here, I am not challenging Richard and Stephanie in their 9's. They are wonderful firearms and I would love to have them too. I just can not afford numerous firearms. I never have liked semi automatic anythings as they jam at the worst times.  I know I want a 45 ACP and I do not have a 45 ACP. What I have is a John Wayne gun that has killed piles of dangerous two and four legged critters and if I can not get the job done with 5 shots, I am not going to get it done with 19.

My purpose of this defensive handgun is to buy time. This firearm is only going to appear, if I have been outnumbered, if my avenue of retreat has been blocked and chance circumstances have been dealt against me. I do not intend to ever shoot anyone. This firearm is to buy time, so I can retreat. It will appear, be pointed down at the ground, and the situation should begin to wind down at that point, and if that is not the case in informing that I view the aggressors as a lethal threat, then the firearm will be cocked and leveled.
This has a bore as big as a truck on it. That gets attention in staring down a black hole, surrounded by gleaming stainless steel.

I pay attention to where I am always and to others. I pay more attention when armed, as I have to be more responsible. My firearms are to buy time and as the NRA has posted for years, firearms are used millions of times a year, and none are fired. They simply appear, many times not drawn from holsters, and the situation is diffused.

There is not any spray and pray firing and never would be, as it is a sinful waste of ammo. The John Wayne loads one cartridge at a time, it unloads one cartridge at a time through a loading gate. It only is active when you cock the hammer and only fires when you pull the trigger after the hammer is cocked. There is not any half cock, just full and not, which surprised me and the Corey who sold it to me, as he said no double action and the cylinder does not swing out. I think he was telling me that to warn me, as these old Colt designs are not Dirty Harry in a Smith and Wesson Model 29, and I like it that way, as these guns have nothing whippy about them. They are big, they are heavy, and they do not wander around in your hand. You pull them, point them, and they are on target and they stay on target. The heft does not have them bouncing around with full loads, but you do not need 454 Casill loads in them either, as that big hole punches holes in things and is the best diplomat for changing minds.

So from all of this that is the typical adventure for me, the box gets losts in trying to buy a firearm, not the BATFE flagging me as I'm a good girl and the BATFE loves me as they would be unemployed if not for gun owners buying guns. The part to learn from is the carry position and the fact that as long as you are not wearing a bikini, these John Waynes are concealed carry in scope.

The nice part is, that there are off brand types of this 45 at over 500 bucks, and a brand name Ruger is not that much more, and Rugers will never lose value and are well made firearms. That is the point in this, as after practice, I will not be firing this thing probably ever again. It is the dog guarding the place behind the fence, and it will not be biting people nor being taken for jogs as that is not it's purpose.

Maybe if there is a meltdown, the old West holsters will come back and everyone will be open carry and be polite. That would delight me on errands as I would relish firearms watching on people's hips. Wouldn't need a DVD player with that at all, as it would be non stop firearms to lust over.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
