Sunday, November 29, 2020

Biden's Dead in Stealing an Election



As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.


This is something which probably should not be touched, but that is why you non donors are here, to read bullshit posted elsewhere instead of Lame Cherry exclusives in matter anti matter.

The information coming out is that Delta Force engaged in a firefight with CIA officers out of Afghanistan and 5 Soldiers were killed and 1 CIA officer. Some of this is enhanced off of what Lt. General McInerney has been told from sources, as Attorney Sidney Powell confirmed the server raid and General Michael Flynn has gone off book again after the Presidential pardon.

The enhanced above is not correct. Upon inquiry this is what the Lame Cherry was directed to in the matrix.




 This facility in Frankfurt Germany is a CIA hub. It was hijacked by what is down the rabbit hole.Their facility was the "dark room". What the matrix points to is these were not Delta Force. This was a US Army intelligence group, think of it like the Phoenix Group in Vietnam. They were not hit entering or exiting, but were hit coming down the long corridor to the dark room. Surveillance revealed they were coming.
Orders were no one, and that means no one was even to enter that corridor. Matrix indicates these were off book contractors. Matrix indicates they were dual citizen.
This dark room had been utilized to overthrow other elections, including earlier votes in the United States. The Army unit was hit in the corridor, but ended the fight with flash bangs which subdued the contractors.
Matrix states the contractors were Jewish Mosaad, well trained and were unknown entities to the US government in this role. They are stationed in other areas as cover.

The contractors were supposed to wipe the servers, They did not. The information is intact.

The matrix indicates the Army forces were to use non lethal means and what they were hit with was gas. That is what KIA'd them. The advance team was neutralized and the secondary team moved in and dealt with the situation swiftly.

Matrix indicates the severs are at the US embassy in Germany. Information was transferred to the DIA, not at the Pentagon but at Centcom. The information is in the President's peoples hands.
This is a DIA chain of command under the President's loyalists he appointed to the Pentagon. The CIA, FBI and Homeland have no access to this.

The Lt. General was informed of this on a need to know basis to dispense information to keep interest and to worry the bad guys.

This once again is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.



BLOCKBUSTER - Gen McInerney Reports US Spec Forces
Attacked CIA Server Farm In Germany In Deadly, Violent Op
...5 Soldiers Killed...And The Servers Were Secured

Kraken Released - US Raid On CIA Facility In Frankfurt
Gen McInerney Describes What He Knows - Watch

Nuff Said
